EU enlargement: The Franco-German couple proposes a reform

by time news

2023-09-19 21:45:00

DISPATCH — Tuesday, September 19, during a meeting of European Affairs Ministers in Brussels, France and Germany presented a report recommending different measures to enable the enlargement of the Union.

Since the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it has become almost unavoidable: the European Union (EU) must enlarge for geostrategic reasons, according to experts. It remains to be seen under what conditions the 27 can welcome Ukraine, Moldova or even the Western Balkans.

Twelve French and German experts looked into the issue and submitted their report, the idea being to achieve the enlargement of the Union before 2030. In three key points, here is what they recommend:

1. Create an organization of Europe with several levels of integration

As explained Euronews, it would be a question of establishing a set on several levels: an inner circle of selected European countries; the EU itself; “associated members” of the single market; the European Political Community, which includes 44 countries, as an external level.

“Perhaps some countries outside the EU do not want or cannot become full members and would appreciate being associated in another way,” underlines Olivier Costa, director of studies at the College. of Europe. He added: “We could even find ourselves in a situation where some current member states would no longer be interested in an EU of this type or would feel more comfortable in another circle.”

2. Do not modify the treaties and vote by majority

To simplify everyone’s decision-making, the report recommends that the EU be able to enlarge without necessarily modifying its treaties, or to allow willing countries to do so without the support of others.

In the same spirit, if the Union were to exceed 30 members, the text indicates that decisions would have to be voted on by a majority rather than unanimously within the Council. In this case, the majority would be increased to 60% of the members and 60% of the European population. Including for decisions relating to defense or security, this means that no country could no longer impose its veto.

3. Increase the budget and economic partnerships

The text calls for a larger overall budget and greater flexibility in spending decisions. Also, small groups of EU countries could enter into “intergovernmental financing agreements” to advance their own spending plans.

Finally, for all this to be possible, the report underlines the importance of the rule of law and European values. So, to join the EU, Ukraine would have to, for example, fight corruption, implement judicial reforms and strengthen media freedom. In the event of violation of these principles, experts advise stronger sanctions than those that currently exist.

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