Green Gas Mobility Summit 2023 |

by time news

2023-09-19 15:12:02

Green Gas Mobility Summit, organized by Gasnam-Neutral Transport, will reopen its doors on September 20 and 21 in La Nave (Madrid), where the possibilities of decarbonization of different modes of transport will be analyzed, especially those that are difficult to electrify, in which solutions such as biomethane, Hydrogen and its derivatives are called to play a determining role.

The regulatory and technological challenges, the opportunities and challenges faced by the implementation of this sustainable mobility, the success stories and inspired stories and the innovation projects will be addressed in the 30 panels that will have the participation of 100 opinion leaders. and top-level experts. The conference program will be accompanied by 4,000 m2 of indoor and outdoor exhibition, which will feature the presence of more than 40 exhibitors who will present mobility solutions with renewable and synthetic fuels, such as biomethane and hydrogen.

A broad representation of the Commission and the European Parliament will analyze the regulatory framework put in place to achieve the ambitious climate objectives and the contribution of renewable gases in this energy transition. Likewise, representatives of European associations and companies that are leading sustainable transformation internationally such as Bureau Veritas, Carnival, DNV, Eurogas, European Biogas Association (EBA), Hydrogen Europe, IVECO, SEA-LNG, STX Group, Volvo Trucks, or Wärtsilä, among others, will provide their vision on the possibilities offered by renewable and synthetic fuels.

Also at the national, regional and local level, measures are being adopted to take advantage of the potential of these renewable gases, so we will have representatives from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, State Ports, CNMC , and regional and municipal governments, who will tell us about the legislative framework and the initiatives they are adopting to promote their implementation, and will present specific cases that demonstrate the viability of the projects.

There is no doubt that large companies are the ones that can set trends and become benchmarks and drivers of change. In this sense, the inspiring interventions of Enagás (CEO, Arturo Gonzalo Aizpiri), IVECO. general director in Spain and Portugal, Ruggero Mughini), Naturgy (general director of Renewables, New Business and Innovation, Jorge Barredo), PreZero (director of Central Public Business, Sergio Cabellos), Redexis (CEO, Fidel López) and Toyota Spain (president & CEO, Miguel Carsi) will tell us what their companies are doing to promote sustainable transportation, what barriers they encounter and how they propose to overcome them.

2023 is being the year of growth in projects linked to hydrogen. Whether we talk about maritime or land mobility, this renewable gas is presented as the alternative for the future that will enable zero-emission transportation. In this sense, we will have representatives from the entire hydrogen value chain, from its production to the end user. The hydrogen producing valleys will be represented by BP, Cepsa, Naturgy and Nortegas, the challenges in their certification will be addressed by Bureau Veritas, and the challenges and opportunities for the deployment of a network of hydrogen plants will be explained by the operators Calvera Hydrogen . Metallic Carbides, Galp, PRF and Repsol. Finally, the end users and consumers of this renewable gas will talk about their experiences and the technological challenges they face (IVECO, HysetCo, Toyota Spain and Westport), and not only in road transport, since we will also talk about the challenges of the hydrogen train with CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), National Hydrogen Center (CNH2), Renfe and TALGO.

Spain is the third European power in renewable gases, so we have a great opportunity, as a country, to lead the immediate decarbonization of our transport. This challenging scenario will be discussed in various panels at the congress, where they will explain how biomethane technology works (Genia Bioenergy), the public-private strategies that are being developed to stimulate its development (Naturgy and PreZero), how the food industry is working to promote the circular economy and the use of biomethane in its value chain (Alimerka, Carrefour and New Holland), we will hear the inspiring stories of companies that have revolutionized municipal transport with biomethane (Zaragoza Area Transport Consortium, EMT Madrid , Grupo Ruiz, Commonwealth of the Pamplona Region and Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, ​​TMB) and the heads of Delgo, Disfrimur, Nuppec Logística and Transportes Ojechar will tell us about the commitment of logistics operators to this renewable gas.

The maritime sector faces important challenges on its path towards climate neutrality. One of them is linked to the production and availability of new marine fuels (hydrogen, bioLNG, methanol, etc.), a vitally important issue that will be addressed by representatives of ACME, Bureau Veritas, DH2 Energy, Lloyd’s Register and Navantia Seanergies.

Furthermore, our country has all the qualities to become an international benchmark in bioLNG bunkering, so speakers from Enagás, Cotenaval, Knutsen Group, Península and Repsol will explain the keys to making this possibility become a reality.

Likewise, circular economy projects will be presented in the maritime sector linked to the production and consumption of bioLNG and hydrogen in port environments (Baleària, Enagás, Port de Barcelona, ​​Puertos del Estado and Scale Gas), Wärtsilä will present an innovative solution to produce hydrogen on board ships, and Cidaut, ESK, Naturgy and Siport21 will talk about various technologies to carry out maritime transport and bunkering of hydrogen and its derivatives.

#Green #Gas #Mobility #Summit

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