Prénatal, with Generation G to support parenthood and look to the future

by time news

2023-09-19 17:38:00

Support the birth rate and look to the future of our country. This is the goal ofGeneration G’, the project that Prénatal launched this morning in Rome during a press conference, attended, among others, by the Minister for the Family Eugenia Roccella, the Cavaliere del Lavoro Giovanni Clementoni, and Nicola Zotta, CEO of Artsana Group, representing the first companies that have come on board, concretely contributing to the initiative. Prénatal celebrates its 60th anniversary by promoting an initiative by fundraising to give concrete support to families in difficulty and combat the birth ratealongside the Ministry for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities and in collaboration with Moige – Italian Parents Movement.

The ‘Generation G’ project

“I am very proud to present the Generation G project – said Alberto Rivolta, CEO of Prénatal – Italy is facing an unprecedented demographic crisis, with significant repercussions on our society, the economy and the future prospects of the country. On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of Prénatal we have therefore decided to take on an active role that can generate collective awareness on this issue, with an immediate impact and tangible benefits on families throughout Italy, with an approach of proximity welfare. To achieve this objective, I believe it is essential to create a system between institutions and businesses, which is why I am pleased to launch the first phase of the project in the presence of the Ministry for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities, in collaboration with Moige and the first partner companies that have decided to support Generation G with the ambitious aim of generating socio-cultural change”.

“The involvement of businesses, the world of work and associations in the demographic challenge is an objective we have aimed at since day one – added Minister Roccella – Projects of this type go in the right direction both because they aim to give a concrete support for parentingboth because they favor that cultural change that makes it socially rewarding”.

After a continuous demographic decline in recent years – we read in a note – 2023 is the year in which we became aware of the negative impact on the country system and the need to intervene. Prénatal, alongside over 6 million families every year, has made the decision, after 60 years of presence in Italy, to strengthen its role towards future generations. From here comes a renewed commitment that introduces a new point of observation based on the fact that ‘parents are no longer born’. The reasons are socio-economic, but also cultural. There is one material poverty which is increasingly accompanied by forms of poverty that derives from loneliness – the note continues – from lack of a network of relationships and a system of protection and solidarity. The need therefore emerges to make a cultural change, so that society and its organizations are more welcoming to parents and the choice to bring children into the world is not perceived as penalising, but on the contrary as value-enhancing.

Facilitate a more peaceful choice of parenthood

The will, with the Generation G program, is therefore that of restablish trust to facilitate a more peaceful and solid choice of parenthoodputting parents at the center as protagonists and recipients of a concrete intervention aimed at stimulating births through proximity welfare actions on Italian territory with the creation of a network of “parents for parents”.

Through the network of expert parents selected by Moige, the initiative takes on a concrete role: time, experience and presence are in fact made available to fragile parenting (economic-social-cultural-psychological), without an aid network and a support system, with different modalities in relation to the needs of each family. According to the protocol drawn up by the Moige Association, the actions introduced will affect an ever-increasing number of families starting from a first phase with 250 families identified on the basis of precise parameters and an estimate of over 180,000 hours of support provided. There will be many activities, of which some interventions are by way of example: physical presence to support the management of the child to allow the parent to dedicate himself to her needs (domestic commitments, health needs); presence next to the fragile parent to provide suggestions (advice, discussion); concrete help with practical activities and daily errands (shopping, purchasing medicines); consultancy for support and help, if necessary, even remotely; assistance in managing services (compilation of forms, bureaucratic services, booking medical visits).

To guarantee the quality, effectiveness and governance of the Generation G intervention, Moige will be responsible for identifying the expert parents of the network – gathering the support of those who have experience in managing children and in social matters – their training on techniques for managing the parent-child relationship, on knowledge of the types of difficulties that fragile parents may encounter and on strategies for managing them, and finally, support from the coordination team to intervene on specific cases, in order to guarantee maximum safety in the relationship with parents and children.

An alliance between the social, economic and institutional world

“We are pleased to launch this project which aims to support fragile parenthood – underlined Antonio Affinita, General Director of Moige – At a time when Italy is at the bottom of the world for birthrates, we believe they are fundamental actions to support the fragility of fathers and mothers. Never before has it been necessary to intervene in a proactive and concrete way in a logic of solidarity and subsidiarity. Only thanks to a great alliance between the social, economic and institutional world on the issue of birth rates will we be able to start again with a spring of births. Only with concrete help will we be able to have strong and resilient families, a safer society ready to face the new challenges that await us.”

In addition to the actions envisaged in the executive plan, the initiative makes available to families in need – in collaboration with other partners – a basket of essential products and goods for children needed in the first months of life. To financially support the intervention of expert parents – concludes the note – a fundraiser open to all will be launched starting from 20 September through donations in approximately 400 sales points and on the e-commerce sites of Prénatal, Toys Center, Bimbostore and Fao Schwarz, on the Eppela crowdfunding platform ( and of all the companies and foundations that want to become project partners. The partners who, to date, have joined the project are Chicco, Clementoni, Mam and Mattel.

#Prénatal #Generation #support #parenthood #future

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