Current Corona Situation: Increasing Cases and Symptoms in General Practitioner Practices

by time news

2023-09-20 06:10:00
Corona Cases on the Rise Again in Melle, Germany

Melle, Germany – The number of corona infections in general practitioners’ practices in Melle has been increasing once again, raising concerns among healthcare professionals. Doctors in the region have reported a significant rise in patients with corona infections, spanning across all age groups.

Dr. Ute Sträter-Schnitker, a doctor in Melle-Mitte, expressed her observations regarding the surge in cases. “There are significantly more patients reporting a corona infection again. The infected patients can be assigned to all age groups,” she stated.

Dr. Sarah Kollmeyer, a family doctor from Neuenkirchen, also confirmed the increase in patients infected with the virus or suspected of being infected. However, she pointed out the lack of testing options, making it difficult to ascertain the exact number of cases. “You cannot say with certainty because, apart from self-tests, there is no longer any possibility of testing yourself, and there is no obligation to do so,” Dr. Kollmeyer affirmed.

Pharmacist Johannes Hoffmann from the Schreibersche Apotheke in Melle also noted the growing trend of infected individuals. “The number of cases is actually increasing again. The demand for Corona self-tests is also increasing accordingly,” he stated. He also emphasized the importance of testing, especially before attending larger family events, and urged people not to underestimate the virus, particularly if they are high-risk patients.

While the number of infections is on the rise, the Melle Christian Clinic of the Niels Stensen Clinics has reported treating two patients with Covid infections last week. However, the virus was not the primary reason for their hospitalization, according to Ute Laumann, a spokesperson for the clinic.

When it comes to symptoms, doctors have noticed that patients with the current variant experience symptoms similar to those of a common cold infection. These symptoms include sore throat, cough, headache, and fatigue. Dr. Kollmeyer has also observed classic symptoms such as fever, body aches, cough, sore throats, and gastrointestinal problems. However, she added that the symptoms can vary greatly, ranging from a feeling of fatigue to asymptomatic infections.

In terms of behavior and precautionary measures, Dr. Sträter-Schnitker advised individuals with typical symptoms to conduct a rapid self-test if possible. They should also protect those around them by wearing masks and maintaining social distancing, even though there is no longer an obligation for these measures. Working from home should be considered if the symptoms are mild enough to allow it, and severe symptoms warrant a visit to the family doctor.

Dr. Kollmeyer stressed the importance of wearing masks when visiting the doctor’s office, especially for infected individuals who could potentially endanger the staff and other patients. She mentioned that a visit to the doctor is currently only necessary in exceptional cases.

As for testing, PCR tests, which are more accurate, are now hardly carried out unless there is strong clinical suspicion. Both doctors mentioned a lack of consequences associated with PCR testing at present.

Looking ahead to the autumn and winter seasons, doctors predict a continuing rise in infections. However, due to the lack of testing, there may be a high number of unreported cases. “I think that the number of infections will continue to rise, but there will be a high number of unreported cases due to a lack of testing,” stated Dr. Engelgarten from Melle.

Dr. Kollmeyer shared a similar perspective, expecting a significant increase in cases but unsure about the availability of reliable figures.

Despite the challenges and uncertainty, doctors continue to recommend vaccination with the new corona vaccine for specific groups. This includes individuals aged 60 and above, those with chronic illnesses, residents in nursing homes, and employees in the medical sector or community facilities who did not receive a Covid vaccination or infection in the previous year.

As the corona situation remains fluid and cases rise once again, it is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant, follow precautionary measures, and consult with healthcare professionals if necessary.]
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