“Spit in our face”: Wikipedia mimics the entry about the fall of Barel Shmueli

by time news

The editors of the Hebrew Wikipedia deleted this morning (Tuesday) the entry about the fall of a border fighter, the late Barel Shmueli, who was wounded in an encounter with terrorists on the Gaza border last August and died a few days later from his wounds. The decision was made after a vote by the editors.

Hila Rahimi, Shmueli’s sister, wrote an angry post on her Facebook page about the decision: “I thought it could not be more painful. Since Barel was killed I experienced, we experienced the whole family, pain in every organ, like a fire. Of Barel in Wikipedia.Collects? An Israeli hero, a warrior who risked his life time and time again, who was willing to die for the country.

“Is there more of a national symbol than that? Is there more secure than that? Is it more true that Barel’s values, evil, courage, sacrifice, will reach every boy and girl? The body is tired of wars, the mind can no longer fight. We are gathered in our deep grief, a terrible feeling to live with “Every day, every minute. Barel was taken from us. We were erased. I do not know who makes these decisions, but whoever voted for erasing his memory, the only thing left for us, he knew was that he spat in our faces.”

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Barel’s mother, Nitza Shmueli, told 103FM: “Yesterday a stranger called me and told me about it, otherwise I would not have known. I felt that my child was being murdered a second time. We are still in pain, grieving and trying to achieve many things we have not yet received. “Like answers about how and why it happened, and why there was no one to supervise it. To accept such a thing is to really feel that we are being murdered a second time.”

“I think Barel is really an Israeli hero, he is a warrior who risked his life for the country, and he is really a symbol and a role model. He is a real role model, and we are very sorry. We are very disappointed, hurt, I have nothing more to add but pain,” she added.

When asked if the deletion of the entry reflects the fact that the left also controls Wikipedia, she replied: “It turns out. But I do not take a political side, I do not know who. Apparently the same people who decided to remove Barel are narrow-minded people, “The children to the country. It’s a pity.”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on. Recognize him, he was a hero and a national sergeant. His case is different from many soldiers killed, because the case of Barel was filmed. Hamas, which murdered my son, filmed everything, and that’s why the case was so well publicized. “He was more of a hero than any soldier who went. He is equivalent to any soldier who was killed, Hamas simply took care to photograph and laugh at an entire country, which is why Barel became famous.


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