Big Brother Law in Israel: Facial Recognition Cameras in Public Spaces Raise Concerns and Benefits for Police

by time news

Title: “Controversial “Big Brother Law” Faces Opposition as Israel Considers Facial Recognition Cameras”


A proposed law in Israel, known as the “Big Brother Law,” is causing concern among opponents even before it progresses through the legislative process. The law aims to install facial recognition cameras in public spaces, offering potential benefits for law enforcement in fighting crime. However, the lack of clarity on how the police will utilize the law and the impact on individual privacy have raised questions. Former senior officials have recently shared their perspectives on the potential benefits and limitations of this law.

Former Chief Yair Itzhaki Advocates for Enhanced Policing

Yair Itzhaki, retired chief and former commander of the Jerusalem district, acknowledges the worsening crime situation in Israel and highlights the necessity of providing the police with technological tools to combat it effectively. Itzhaki believes that the introduction of facial recognition cameras placed in public spaces will revolutionize law enforcement, as they can aid in identifying and tracking individuals involved in criminal activities.

Itzhaki emphasizes the beneficial role such technology could play in specific cases, giving the example of locating an individual who has violated a court order. He argues that these tools, though perceived as “draconian,” ensure a balance between individual interests and the greater public good.

Insufficient Policing Resources Demand Technological Aids

Itzhaki also explains that the Israeli police currently face a significant shortage of personnel compared to other police forces in the Western world—around 25% less. He further emphasizes the need to equip law enforcement with tools to optimize their work and address the growing crime rate effectively.

Privacy Concerns Voice Opposition

Opponents of the law, initiated by Ministers Ben Gabir and Levin, primarily focus on the potential invasion of privacy resulting from the widespread use of facial recognition technology. Paz Schwartz, deputy chairman of the Israeli Chamber of Private Investigators, highlights the danger of biometric data becoming compromised. He argues that with the ease of impersonation through biometrics, additional safeguards must be in place to protect individuals’ privacy.

Itzhaki Counterarguments Privacy Concerns

Former Superintendent Itzhaki attempts to address these concerns by assuring the public that restrictions will be imposed to minimize the misuse of facial recognition software. He remarks that this tool is already being employed in democratic countries and that its implementation in Israel will enable prompt identification of criminals without undue infringement on individuals’ rights.

Former Superintendent Aharon Aksol Supports the Law

Aharon Aksol, another retired superintendent who has served in senior positions within the Israeli police force, emphasizes the potential benefits of facial recognition technology. Aksol suggests that it could be instrumental in identifying individuals present at crime scenes, aiding investigations, and ensuring public safety. He assures the public that ordinary citizens will not be subject to biometric identification unless they are on a predetermined list of individuals of interest to the police.

Tight Control and Regulations to Protect Privacy

Aksol further emphasizes the existence of various control mechanisms to prevent the misuse of facial recognition technology. He believes that as the law progresses, additional restrictions will be added to safeguard citizens’ privacy. Aksol argues that the law can potentially bring positive developments in combating crime, particularly in the Arab sector, and assures skeptics that the Israel Police will not abuse its power.


As Israel contemplates the introduction of the “Big Brother Law,” concerns surrounding privacy and the wider implications of facial recognition technology continue to be debated. Advocates believe that the law has the potential to significantly enhance law enforcement capabilities, while opponents stress the importance of protecting individual privacy. The proper implementation of safeguards and regulations will be crucial to strike a balance between public safety and personal rights.

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