For Valérie Pécresse, the minimum wage should be 9% higher in Île-de-France

by time news

2023-09-20 12:00:48

By Julien Da Sois

Published 2 hours ago, Updated 7 minutes ago


“If we wanted purchasing power parity in all regions, the minimum wage should be 9% or 8.8% more in Île-de-France,” explains the regional president (LR).

Faced with a higher cost of living in Île-de-France than elsewhere in France, Valérie Pécresse wants to act. In an interview given to 20 Minutes, the president (LR) of the region says she wants to create a regional minimum wage for the Ile-de-France region, approximately 9% higher than its current level. “The cost of living is 8.8 % more in Île-de-France. If we wanted purchasing power parity in all regions, the minimum wage should be 9% or 8.8% more in Île-de-France», declares Valérie Pécresse.

However, the boss of the regional council does not want “not (s)commit to this figure“. She says she wants it to be fixed “by consultation with social partners“. The creation of this regional minimum wage would be a measure of social justice, argues Valérie Pécresse. “We have a minimum wage which does not offer the same remainder of life. And this is a problem for essential workers, who cannot find housing in Île-de-France. We are pushing people out of the region who should be housed with us“, she justifies, taking the example of “an employee paid the minimum wage who rents a studio in Créteil». «It costs him 51 % of his income even though it would cost him 25 % in Limoges“, she says.

“Shock of decentralization”

According to Valérie Pécresse, such a measure could also help reduce tensions in certain public service professions. “The problem is for the civil service of Île-de-France : the hospital, schools, security guards… They have the lowest salaries. And then, they say that we can’t find caregivers, but how do you want to do it? ? The State must understand that it cannot pay public officials at the same rate in Paris as elsewhere.», Expands the former presidential candidate.

The creation of this regional minimum wage is one of the 40 proposals which will be presented by Valérie Pécresse this Wednesday to regional elected officials, as part of a “decentralization shock“. They will be submitted to a vote by the Regional Council, then, if the deliberation is adopted, they will be transmitted to the government, which will have one year to say whether it agrees to delegate these powers to the region. A referral to the State permitted by the so-called “3DS” law relating to differentiation, decentralization and deconcentration, adopted in February 2022.

If this regional minimum wage proposal were ever validated by the State, and it was increased by 9% as Valérie Pécresse wants, it would go from 1747.20 euros gross monthly today to 1904.45 euros. The regional president does not specify where this figure of 9% comes from. A recent INSEE study, published in July, showed that in 2022, the general level of consumer prices in the Paris region was 7% higher than that in the rest of mainland France (excluding Corsica). “To consume like an average provincial household, you have to spend 8 % more in the Paris region», Notes the same study.


#Valérie #Pécresse #minimum #wage #higher #ÎledeFrance

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