“A lot has been done on anti-Zoster but it can be improved”

by time news

2023-09-20 15:38:32

“General practitioners must be given credit for having promoted this type of initiative, which is objectively extraordinary. Anyone who saves a life, or potentially saves it, deserves the greatest respect, and this is why the institutions are here today. Herpes Zoster is a painful, long-lasting disease and is very underestimated. In this sense, prevention is very important for us. We have the example”, in another context, “of the Regina Margherita children’s hospital which will carry out 6 thousand neonatal screenings for children, when a At one time we were talking about 20-30, 40 at most. We have reached important levels, but politics can do more, put in more resources. As the Piedmont Region we are doing a lot, but we can always improve”. budget councilor of the Piedmont Region on the sidelines of the conference ‘The results of an initiative medicine project for vaccination against Herpes zoster in the Piedmont Region; the protagonists of the territory in adult vaccinations’, which took place in Turin.

The anti-Herpes zoster vaccination – it was remembered at the event – took off in the city of Mole, thanks to a project of the Piedmontese School of General Medicine, in synergy with the general management of the ASL city of Turin and with the patronage of the Region Piedmont. Designed to bring patients closer to their family doctor’s office, the initiative helped triple vaccination administrations from January to August 2023, compared to the 2019-2022 period. “Specifically regarding vaccination and against Herpes zoster – states Stefano Taraglio, health director of the ASL City of Turin – we have tried to strengthen the vaccination offer through the involvement of our public structures, public health hygiene services, our two vaccination hubs in Lingotto and San Giovanni Bosco”.

“With the involvement of general practitioners – he continues – there has been a significant increase in the number of vaccinations, because patients are directly seen and reported by their doctor who can proceed either to vaccinate on his own, or use the vaccination facilities for cases of greater complexity. We can therefore say that the system implemented has so far allowed the achievement of a value which has significantly increased compared to about two years ago, I would even say by 7-8 times – observes Taraglio – optimal numbers but not yet sufficient to achieve the values ​​envisaged by the national vaccination prevention plan. The objective – he concludes – is to increase the synergy between general medicine and public structures, precisely to reach the greatest number of patients possible and guarantee the necessary vaccination coverage”.

#lot #antiZoster #improved

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