2022 presidential election: thanks to 3.3 million euros in donations, Valérie Pécresse completes her loan repayment

by time news

2023-09-20 17:39:29

Failing to have filled up with votes, Valérie Pécresse has filled up with donations. The former presidential candidate, who launched the “Pécressethon” the day after the first round, managed to raise the 5.1 million euros that she had borrowed for the campaign and which will not be reimbursed to her by the State, because of its result, less than 5%.

In detail, Valérie Pécresse did not obtain 5.1 million euros in donations from individuals, but 3.3 million. But to this sum, we must add the contribution of the Republicans who transformed their loan to the candidate into financial participation, to the tune of 1.2 million euros. Or approximately 25% of the amount borrowed by Valérie Pécresse. In total, LR reports, the party will have spent nearly 8 million euros for the entire presidential campaign. Finally, nearly 600,000 euros of public money, corresponding to the second tranche of the flat-rate reimbursement for candidates who did not receive 5% of the votes, will also contribute to the “Pécressethon”.

“After refusing Sarkozy, donations increased considerably! »

In the entourage of the president of the Ile-de-France region, it is estimated that nearly 20,000 people have sent their donations to Valérie Pécresse’s financing association. Small free donations, less than 30 euros, to the ceiling, set by law at 4,600 euros.

The most resounding of the donations being that of Nicolas Sarkozy, whose check for 2000 euros was proudly refused by those who are angry with the former President of the Republic for his lack of support in the campaign. “After refusing Sarkozy, donations increased considerably! » laughs an LR manager.

Other donations were refused, in particular because they exceeded the legal ceiling or because they came from legal entities, for example associations, which is prohibited by law. A campaign executive observes that the LR tenors have, for their part, all sent a check: “It was difficult for them to do otherwise…”

The candidate and her husband each donated 4,600 euros

As for Valérie Pécresse and her husband Jérôme, they each donated 4,600 euros. The candidate had warned that she would also be obliged to pay out of her own pocket the difference between the 5.1 million euros sought and the amount finally collected. So she shouldn’t have to break the bank.

The call for donations site should be closed after this Tuesday, May 31. It will be replaced by a message from Valérie Pécresse in which she thanks the donors “from the bottom of her heart”. “Thanks to you, thanks to the support of the Republicans, the costs of my presidential campaign are now fully financed. And the personal loan that I had taken out will be repaid,” she rejoices.

“I also wanted to thank you and express all my gratitude for the tens of thousands of messages of sympathy and affection that you have sent me,” added the one for whom these “messages of support” “encourage her to continue” his “commitment to the French and to France”.

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