Loans continued to fall and deposits grew slightly before the PASO

by time news

2023-09-20 22:45:03

The main financial system variables moved with relative stability in the month prior to the PASO: both deposits and loans to the private sector maintained positive variations although in the case of credit, although it advanced only 0.4% monthly, it maintained the a fall that was evident throughout the year in year-on-year terms with a contraction of 8.5% measured in real terms.

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The data comes from the Bank Report published today by the Central Bank corresponding to July, which highlighted that “the real balance of financing in national currency to the private sector increased 0.4% with respect to the previous month”, an increase that It was explained by the slight expansion of the commercial and consumer segment. In contrast, it was noted, the balance of financing with real guarantee was reduced. The improvement, the official report specified, was mainly reflected in public banking entities and private banking entities of foreign origin.

“In year-on-year terms, the balance of credit to the private sector in pesos decreased 8.5% in real terms,” noted the Central Bank and added that “in particular, the estimated balance of the Financing Line for Productive Investment of MSMEs (LFIP) totaled almost $1.8 trillion in July, representing 13% of the total private sector credit balance, with an increase of 0.5 percentage points in relation to one year. The subsidized line already represents, in the context of a credit retraction, 22.6% of the total balance of loans to companies.

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Regarding deposits, the real balance in pesos of the private sector increased 1.2% in the period, which is equivalent to 1.5% in interannual terms, driven mainly by time deposits. “With the objective of anchoring exchange expectations and tending towards positive real returns on investments in pesos, in mid-August the BCRA raised 21 percentage points. the nominal interest rate of the 28-day LELIQ and the minimum interest rate for term deposits in pesos of up to $30 million from individuals, taking them to 118% TNA (111% for the rest of the fixed-term deposits) “, recalled the Central Bank regarding the last increase in the monetary policy rate that accompanied the post-STEP devaluation.

Regarding deposits in dollars, the BCRA indicated that in July foreign currency deposits from the private sector increased 0.5%. “As a result, the real balance of total deposits of companies and families (considering national and foreign currency) increased 1.2% compared to the previous month,” he pointed out.

The Central Bank’s publication also highlighted the evolution of other key variables of the financial system, such as means of payment, the level of arrears and liquidity. Namely:

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#Loans #continued #fall #deposits #grew #slightly #PASO

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