Ex-Muslim dreams of Jesus and converts: I am determined

by time news

2023-09-21 00:58:07

Since 2011, GospelMais has been reporting cases of conversion to Jesus Christ, in the Islamic world, after experiencing dreams with the Lord. Former Muslim Juhari, a 70-year-old resident of Indonesia, is yet another example of the cases that have been multiplying in recent years.

Despite having spent practically his entire life as a Muslim, it was a Christian’s testimony of love for others that made Mr. Juhari hear about Jesus, after he suffered an accident at his job as a wood salesman.

At the time, a piece of wood fell on him, and it was a Christian neighbor who helped him. “He helped me clean up the fallen wood and joined me as I delivered it. After that, Jusuf started talking to me about Jesus”, said the elderly man.

During a dream, Juhari dreamed of a man dressed in white. “What Jusuf told him was true; believe in me and follow me”, heard the elderly man, who immediately associated his vision with Jesus.


The dream with Christ made the elderly man convert, becoming an ex-Muslim. However, since then she began to suffer reprisals from her own family and the local neighborhood.

“My wife stopped giving me food and my children distanced themselves from me, wanting me to return to Islam and stop talking about Jesus,” he told International Christian Concern (ICC), an organization that is also helping the new Christian materially, with money and donations.

“To support myself, I rely on the money I earn delivering goods to people. When I have no money, I go to eat at Jusuf’s house”, highlighted the elderly man, remembering that it is his Christian friend who has helped him to this day.

Even at an advanced age and having financial difficulties, the former Muslim said he will not give up sharing his faith in Christ.

“I am grateful to have discovered Jesus in my old age and I am determined to spend the rest of my life sharing the joy I have found with others. Despite the challenges, I am not afraid and I want others to experience the same happiness,” concluded.

#ExMuslim #dreams #Jesus #converts #determined

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