Guterres warns that humanity has “opened the gates of hell” and urges climate action to be accelerated

by time news

2023-09-20 18:59:14

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterrespresented this Wednesday his ‘Acceleration Agenda’ after warning the countries that the task of the climate solution is “urgent” because “humanity has opened the gates to hell». However, he has shown confidence that there is still time to achieve the goals of theAgenda 2030 and of theParis Climate Agreement.

Thus, he has set the example of heat waves “horrific” which are causing “horrific effects”, with farmers “dismayed” who see how the floods their crops are taken away; temperatures sufocants that generate diseases and thousands of people fleeing for fear of the spread ofhistorical fires.

For this reason, he has denounced that climate action is “dwarf compared to the scale of the challenge” and, in this context, he has presented his ‘Acceleration Agenda’ which urges countries to move quickly on their way to reduction of emissions and climate policies so that developed countries reach net zero as close as possible to 2040 and emerging economies as close as possible to 2050.

During his intervention before the Climate Ambition Summit which is being held in New York to coincide with the UN General Assembly, Guterres has warned that if nothing changes, the planet is headed for a scenario ofincrease in global temperature of 2.8 ºCthat carry a “dangerous and unstable” world. However, he considered that “the future is not immovable”, but is open to the fact that the leaders write and it is still possible to limit the global increase in temperature to 1.5 ºC.

“The way is clear”

“We can still build a world with clean air, green jobs and affordable clean energy for all. The way forward is clear. It has been forged by fighters and pioneers, some of whom are here today”, said Guterres, who expressly cited the activists who refused to be silenced; the indigenous peoples they defend their lands from climatic extremes; CEOs who are transforming their business models and funding just transition investments; mayors moving towards a zero-carbon future and governments working to phase out fossil fuels and protect vulnerable communities.

He has again emphasized the importance of reaching the goal of limiting the global temperature to 1.5 ºC to protect “ourselves” from extreme climate and has appealed to the solidarity and support for developing countries and for global leaders to take action to reduce emissions.

“The movement from fossil fuels to renewable energies is happening, but we are decades behind. We must make up for the time lost due to the delays, pressures and manifest greed of entrenched interests that collect billions of dollars from fossil fuels,” criticized the UN Secretary General.

End of coal in 2030

Precisely, he has said that his proposal for a Climate Solidarity Pact urges the main emitters – who are the ones who have benefited the most from fossil fuels- to make additional efforts to reduce emissionsand rich countries to support emerging economies to do so.

For this reason, he has justified that his ‘Acceleration Agenda’ urges countries to move quickly so that developed countries reach the “net zero” as close as possible to 2040 and emerging economies, as close as possible to 2050, as well as to implement a fair, equitable and equitable energy transition, while providing affordable electricity for all.

To achieve this, it proposes that the countries of the OECD guarantee “credible” plans for abandon coal by 2030 and 2040 for the rest of the world; ending fossil fuel subsidies, which the IMF estimates will reach an incredible $7 trillion by 2022; and set ambitious renewable energy targets in line with the 1.5 degree limit.

Likewise, he pointed out that his ‘Acceleration Agenda’ also demands climate justice and recognizes that many of the poorest nations have “every right to be angry. For this reason, it calls on governments to accelerate so that developed countries reach zero net emissions as close as possible to 2040 and close to 2050 for countries with emerging economies.

Global financing

In this regard, the Secretary General has asked countries to promote a global financing system that supports climate action, which means putting a price on coal and a renewal of the business model of the multilateral development banks so that they can leverage to increase private financing at a reasonable cost to developing countries.

In addition, he said that “all” parties must start the COP28 Loss and Damage Fund. Developed countries must do their part funding commitment of 100 billion dollars per year; double the adaptation for financing and replenish the Green Climate Fund. And he has also appealed to “everyone” to be covered by the Early Warning System by 2027 through the implementation of the action plan that the UN launched in 2022.

At the same time, the ‘Acceleration Agenda’ calls for the companies and the financial institutions to embark on a real path to zero net CO2 emissions. “The murky promises have betrayed the public’s trust. Shamefully, some companies have even tried to block the transition to net zero emissions, using wealth and influence to delay, distract and deceive,” he said.

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For this reason, he believes that every company that is “really serious” must create just transition plans that credibly reduce emissions and deliver climate justice, in line with the recommendations of the High-Level Panel of Experts.

“The future of humanity is in their hands. One meeting won’t change the world, but today can be a powerful moment to generate that moment, which we build on over the coming months. We can and must turn back time”, he concluded.

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