The numbers of shame

by time news

2023-09-13 07:05:00

The Institute of Statistics and Censuses has just published the results of the survey on child malnutrition.”

The figures outrage and embarrass. They confirm, on the one hand: that those most affected by malnutrition are the indigenous people (41% of children between 2 and 5 years old, and 33% of those under 2 years old); but they also reveal that the phenomenon is widespread and that anemia, which affects 44% of people with the lowest income, is also present in 29% of those with the highest resources.

We live in a country where 37% of the water consumed is contaminated with Escherichia coli. Only Pichincha has less than 10% (2.6%), but half of the provinces are close to 50%, or exceed it; in Morona Santiago, the figure is 70%.

They are scandalous numbers, which can only generate indignation, and which fully portray the last governments that have been in this country. Because, curiously, we lived through a decade of a revolutionary promise that, in addition, had the largest injection of economic resources in national history, and yet it was not able to significantly reduce child malnutrition, or prevent us from continuing to drink shit. Imaginary refineries and other white elephants were undoubtedly more profitable.

The last government, although it put the fight against malnutrition in the first place of its concerns, could not remove it, and it was obvious, from the ineptitude for management that has kept it blindfolded for two years. Reducing just 4 points in malnutrition in children between 2 and 5 years old, and this compared to 2018, does not speak very well of the way in which priorities have been managed; Of course, it is better than the 2 point reduction between 2006 and 2012, in the midst of the oil boom.

But the President of the Republic continues to talk about child malnutrition and has promised that, upon leaving office, he will continue working on the issue from his private life. Thank you Mr. Lasso, but just stop.

#numbers #shame

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