‘Be Strong’ | Media people come out in defense of Yair Shreki

by time news

(Photo: Noam Rabkin Fenton Flash 90)

Since the broadcast of last night’s newscast, crocheted journalist Yair Shreki has been under attack on the Internet after he said that contrary to the claims of the State of Israel, it is not in chaos when it comes to the spread of the corona.

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In the main newscast on Rainbow 12, Shrek said that while there is a crisis but it is not chaos. Shrek’s remarks have led many on the networks to attack him and call him “the mouthpiece of the Bennett government.”

In addition to the attacks, some of which were personal and dealt with his family members, a number of media people came out in Shrek’s defense and condemned the attacks against him.

(Photo: GPO)

Hanoch Daum posted a screenshot with curses about Shrek’s mother and wrote: “Not that it matters, but Yair Shrek didn’t even say anything extreme yesterday. He just claimed there was a crisis, but there is no chaos. That’s all. That was his claim. You can agree or No, but it is impossible not to be frightened by the force of the mud and the filth of the reactions that have been flying over his head ever since. “

Daum added that “of course there is no problem with those who disagree with him, it is allowed to have a discussion, but I feel obligated to condemn such reactions (and they are unfortunately many, many more than the mind can absorb). And I do not know exactly who wrote this comment, i.e. The disgusting one behind it, but if you see this status by chance – I want you to know who Shreki’s mother you are talking about is. “

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Daum recounted: “Shrek’s mother is a righteous woman who has never done any harm to anyone. A daughter of immigrants from Tunis. She grew up in a home with 12 people, her parents made a living from a family grocery store in the south, and all the children, all, went academic. She herself is a doctor of biology. “Her son was killed in a car bomb attack in Jerusalem. She is married to Rabbi Shrek and has a part in his teachings, a true Tzaddik and sweet and a source of living water that has taught students a lot and spreads Torah around the world.”

At the end of his remarks, Daum wrote: “We must not get used to reactions of this kind, because of a party, never. It is forbidden to have such a discourse. It is simply forbidden. Be strong and whistle.”

The editor of Makor Rishon – the newspaper in which Shrek writes – Hagai Segal, wrote: “My colleague Yair Shrek made a mistake. There is chaos. Fact: Look what is being done to him.”

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The ultra-Orthodox journalist Arie Ehrlich also referred to the attacks on Shrek and wrote: “I disagree with Yair Shrek about the chaos and think that what looks and feels like chaos is definitely chaos, but I am more troubled by the fierce and ugly personal attack on him by all kinds of respondents. “For a journalist to express an opinion without being personally attacked. Dear Yair Shreki – Continue to express your opinion without fear.”

The chairwoman of the “My Israel” movement, Sara Hatzni HaCohen, wrote: “You can disagree with Shrek without mocking and entering his mother. He’s an honest and obnoxious guy. I suppose I disagree with him, there is complete chaos in the education system that could have been avoided for the most part, if there had been warehouses a month and a half ago when it was possible. But Sarah has principles and the health minister does not exist and the prime minister does not really control. This chaos erodes parents, children and education staff. “

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