Poll Results: Right-Wing Bloc’s Mandates Increase after Prime Minister Netanyahu’s US Visit

by time news

Title: Right-Wing Bloc Holds Majority in Latest Poll Conducted in Israel after Prime Minister Netanyahu’s US Visit

Subtitle: Likud Party Strengthens, While State Camp Loses Ground in Electorate Mandates

(Israel) – A recent poll conducted by Direct Falls, aired on Channel 14 news, reveals that if elections were held now in Israel, the right-wing bloc would secure 58 mandates. The survey, conducted following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to the United States, provides insights into the current political landscape in the country.

According to the data, the Likud party strengthens its position with an increase to 31 mandates, while the state camp has experienced a decrease and now stands at 27 mandates. Yesh Atid maintains its stability with 16 seats, while the Shas party maintains its position with 10 seats. Torah Judaism also continues with 7 seats.

Further analysis of the poll indicates that Yisrael Beitenu has now dropped to 6 seats, while Smotrich’s party has gained traction and now holds 5 seats. Ben Gabir and Ra’am continue with 5 seats each. Meretz and New Ta’al also hold 4 seats in the electorate. Parties failing to meet the blocking percentage in this survey were Balad and Labor.

When it comes to suitability for the position of prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu has gained strength with 51% support from the public, while Binyamin Gantz’s support has dropped to 36%. The remaining respondents, totaling 13%, chose neither candidate as the preferred prime minister.

The survey also explored public opinion regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to the United States. A majority of 61% deemed the visit important and useful, while 32% believed it was unnecessary and achieved no tangible outcomes. The remaining 7% expressed no opinion on the matter.

Regarding the protest demonstrations against the Prime Minister during his visit to the United States, approximately 55% of the public believe that such actions harm the national interest, while 42% argue that they do not. Only 3% of respondents declined to take a stance on the issue.

The poll conducted by Direct Falls and aired on Channel 14 news highlights the current dynamics within the Israeli political landscape. As the right-wing bloc holds a majority and the Likud party strengthens its position, these results provide valuable insights into the upcoming elections in Israel.

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