Grisham and other writers sue OpenAI over ChaGpt

by time news

2023-09-21 08:07:37 – George RR Martin, the author of the “Game of Thrones” saga, John Grisham and others writers they filed a lawsuit against the startup californiana OpenAI, accused of using their works to create ChatGPT in defiance of copyright.

In the complaint filed in federal court in New York, the authors accuse the company of using their books “without permission” to train the language model, the artificial intelligence (AI) technology that underlies ChatGPT, a software capable of producing any type of text starting from a simple request. “At the heart of these algorithms is large-scale systematic theft,” the lawyers say.

Among the plaintiffs of this class action there are the Authors Guild (an organization representing authors) and several writers, including George RR Martin and novelist John Grisham. Numerous other complaints have been filed by artists, organizations and coders against OpenAI and its competitors in recent weeks .

Language models “put in danger the ability of writers of fiction to earn a living, as they allow anyone to automatically and free (or at very low cost) generate texts for which they would otherwise have to pay the authors,” the lawyers argue in the complaint.

The authors are now calling for a ban on the use of copyrighted books for language modeling “without express permission,” as well as damages.

OpenAI needed mountains of texts, retrieved online, to develop its language model, but it never specified exactly which sites and works were used.

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#Grisham #writers #sue #OpenAI #ChaGpt

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