The first video communication company to receive the Common Criteria cyber certification standard

by time news

Zoom (Video Video Communications, Inc.) announced today (Tuesday) that it is the first video communications company to receive the Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance International certification standard (v3.1 rev. 5). The standard, which indicates the quality of the platform’s security against cyber threats, was granted to Zoom by the laboratories of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The standard was granted to the “customer” version 5.6.

The Common Criteria standard objectively examines and evaluates how IT products meet a stringent string of security requirements, including the assessment of weaknesses. The customer version of Zoom has been tested by BSI against the standards of the Common Criteria and found to meet all the requirements. The standard, recognized in more than 25 countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Germany and Israel (adopted as an Israeli standard – ISO 15408 ISO) is currently a leading assessment tool for security standards of IT products and mainly in a market that provides increasing expectations of expectant users. That the software makers will provide them with proof of the cyber capabilities of their products.

Jason Lee, Zoom’s Information Security Director. Photo: Zoom

“Getting certified is a significant milestone for Zoom,” says Jason Lee, Zoom’s CIO. “Our video communications client is the first in the world to receive this very important certification, a move that strengthens our commitment to clients. “Security and privacy are the cornerstones of what we do and we will continue to develop and innovate security solutions for all users of our platform.”

The client version 5.6.6 is intended for Windows, Mac, Android and macOS users.

According to Sandro Amandola, BSI’s Director of Reference, this is the leading international standard in cyber defense. “Zoom’s customer has undergone the most stringent processes that a company has to go through and demonstrates a very high level of security across the board.”

For full information click here

Photo: Zoom

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