NGOs ask to accelerate the ratification of the High Seas Treaty

by time news

2023-09-21 01:22:38

The NGOs that make up the High Seas coalitionHollywood actresses like Jane Fondaactors, dozens of political leaders have called for urgent measures to advance the protection of the oceans and after the opening this Wednesday in New York of the signing by the UN Member States of the United Nations Treaty on the High Seas they urge to its prompt ratification, if possible before 2025.

The opening of the signing of the treaty, this Wednesday at the UN General Assembly in New York, has had the support of the 52 members of High Seas Coallition that urge countries to compete in a “race to ratification” to accelerate the entry into force of the new Treaty before 2025.

After signing, from September 20 until the same date in 2025, countries will be able to adhere to the agreement, which is known as ratification, by which the State expresses its consent to be bound by an Agreement.

This call took place at a high-level meeting on the sidelines of the UN general assembly and that It was organized by the governments of Belgium, Costa Rica, France and the European Union with the support of Council for the Defense of Natural Resources (NRDC), the Alliance for the High Seas, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Mission Blue y Pew Charitable Trusts.

Protection of 30% of the High Seas marine surface by 2030

At the meeting, the signing of the High Seas Treaty was celebrated by the heads of state and ministers and they urged the making of a high-level declaration to achieve that the new treaty – a kind of Paris Agreement against climate change for the oceans – obtain the 60 country ratifications necessary for it to enter into force.

This Treaty contemplates the protection of 30% of the High Seas marine surface between now and 2030 -30X30-, since currently, only 1% of the oceans are protected.

The 60th country to ratify the High Seas Treaty will begin a countdown of 120 days, after which it will become the first international Treaty in the world that mandates the conservation and management of marine biological diversity in areas located outside the national jurisdiction (BBNJ)

Thus, the 60th country to ratify the High Seas Treaty will begin a countdown of 120 days, after which it will become the first international Treaty in the world that mandates the conservation and management of marine biological diversity in areas located outside of national jurisdiction (BBNJ).

High Seas Alliance celebrates that the treaty will allow the establishment of high seas marine protected areas, including fully and highly protected areas, and the regulation of activities that may damage the High Seas through exhaustive environmental impact assessments.

The Alliance for the High Seas (High Seas Coallition) indicates that it is working with its members to bring the Treaty into force before the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice, France

The entry into force of the treaty will allow achieving the 30×30 objective (1) to protect 30 percent of the planet’s land and sea by 2030, agreed during the UN Biodiversity Summit in 2022.

In this context, the Alliance for the High Seas (High Seas Coallition) indicates that it is working with its members to bring the Treaty into force before the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice, France.

The planet is habitable “thanks to the ocean”

“The Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Vincent van Quickenborne, celebrated the opening of the signature because he assures that the planet is habitable “thanks to the ocean.”

“Now is the time for countries to sign and give you the level of protection you need and deserve.”

“This agreement will allow us to leave a habitable planet for future generations”

“Now is the time for countries to sign and grant it the level of protection it needs and deserves,” he claimed, while calling on all States to sign and ratify the treaty “as soon as possible.” “Signing it means having a voice in this process. Rapid ratification is key to establishing the structures and institutions necessary to realize the enormous ambitions of this agreement,” she defended.

For his part, the Secretary of State for Maritime Affairs of France, Hervé Berville, has described this September 20 as a “historic day” because This treaty is “the most important of the coming decades”. “This agreement will allow us to leave a habitable planet for future generations. Now Now is the time to accelerate, achieve rapid ratifications and raise our collective ambitions“, he stressed. Along the same lines, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkeviciushas assessed that The High Seas represent 64% of the ocean surface. Until yesterday, only around 1% were protected, but today this changes definitively.

“With the signature of Treaty of Alta Marwe can safeguard the ocean from human pressures, and get closer to our goal of protecting at least 30% of the Planet by 2030,” he said.

During the day, the actress Jane Fonda sees in the Treaty of Alta Mar a “light of hope” which gives the opportunity to bring life back to the ocean. “We must all do what we can to save the magnificent ocean, our ally in the fight against the climate crisis. I encourage all countries to ratify the Treaty of Alta Mar without delay, for each of the lives on Earth,” urged the actress and activist.

In just a few decades, entire marine ecosystems have been eliminated

In that context, the oceanographer, explorer and founder of Mission Blue, Sylvia Earlelaments that “for too long” it was unimaginable that human actions could cause “significant damage to the vast ocean, especially in areas beyond the coast,” but in just a few decades entire marine ecosystems have been wiped out.

“This treaty represents a decisive step in safeguarding the ocean by facilitating the creation of a network of highly and fully protected marine areas. But we cannot and should not wait any longer. I encourage countries around the world to quickly ratify this treaty and act to “protect the blue heart of our planet as if our lives depended on it… because they do,” he concluded.

After signing, from September 20 until the same date in 2025, countries will be able to adhere to the agreement, which is known as ratification, by which the State expresses its consent to be bound by an Agreement.

References (1) 30X30, From the Global Ocean Treaty to protection on the High Seas. Greenpeace.

#NGOs #accelerate #ratification #High #Seas #Treaty

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