Boost Your Immune System with Manuka Honey – Support Against Viruses and Bacteria

by time news

2023-09-21 16:58:35
Title: Boost Your Immune System with Manuka Honey this Cold Season

Subtitle: Manuka Doctor’s Unique Honey Provides Immune Support and Protection against Infections

Date: [Insert Date]

As autumn arrives, signaling the onset of the cold season, it’s crucial to ensure that our immune system is at its best to combat viruses and bacteria. In this regard, Manuka honey has emerged as a trusted aid in preventing infections and fighting unwanted invaders.

What sets New Zealand honey, particularly those from Manuka Doctor, apart from other honeys is its unique immune-boosting properties. The active ingredient responsible for these properties is methylglyoxal (MGO). It has been scientifically proven that MGO exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, making it a powerful ally against illnesses (Source: idw).

Studies have indicated that MGO enhances immune system activity and may even possess antiviral properties. Notably, Manuka honey’s immune-supporting effect is particularly pronounced in the neck and throat area. The higher the MGO content in the honey, the stronger these immune properties become (Source: National Institute for Health and Care, London).

Upper respiratory tract infections, often resulting in antibiotic prescriptions, are a common occurrence during the cold season. However, Manuka honey has proven to be one of nature’s strongest antibiotics (Source: BMJ Journals), providing natural support to the immune system without the risk of antibiotic resistance or known side effects.

Coughing has become a primary concern amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To counteract this symptom and prevent the spread of colds to the bronchi, Manuka honey offers a natural alternative to strengthen the entire immune system. Clinical data indicates that Manuka honey effectively reduces cough frequency and severity, while also shortening the duration of symptoms by one to two days (Source: BMJ Journals).

For those experiencing the first signs of infectious diseases like cough, difficulty swallowing, or a sore throat, Manuka Doctor recommends consuming a teaspoon of their honey, particularly the ones with high MGO values. By allowing the honey to slowly melt in the mouth, the beneficial ingredients can be absorbed through the oral mucosa, becoming active immediately.

Additionally, individuals can incorporate Manuka honey into hot drinks like ginger or sage tea to alleviate symptoms. The heat stability of the antibacterial MGO in Manuka honey ensures that its immune-boosting effect remains intact even when mixed with hot beverages.

It’s worth noting that high-quality Manuka honey can contain up to 1,000 mg MGO per kilogram, significantly higher than the mere 20 mg MGO found in regular honey. Manuka Doctor offers products with very high MGO content (640, 840, and 1000), which are particularly suitable for prevention and addressing initial health issues.

Manuka Doctor prides itself on producing and packaging honey in New Zealand. Their honey is traceable from hive to home and certified by the New Zealand government. With four quality labels, Manuka Doctor ensures that their products meet the highest standards as the leading independent Manuka honey brand globally.

Operating from Auckland, New Zealand, Manuka Doctor’s rich legacy in honey production dates back to 1909. With over 6,000 beehives spread across thousands of hectares of green mountains, a dedicated team of beekeepers produces high-quality Manuka honey. Manuka Doctor’s products are exclusively available in Germany through their online shop at

As the cold season begins, bolster your body’s immune system with the immune-boosting powers of Manuka honey. With its unique properties backed by scientific research, Manuka Doctor’s honey offers a natural and effective way to protect against infections and strengthen overall wellbeing.

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#Helps #coughs #hoarseness #sore #throats #Strong #immune #system #Manuka #honey

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