6 out of 10 Spanish companies already have a sustainability person or department | Environmental News

by time news

2023-09-22 10:03:43

The digital transformation process is perceived as a key element in achieving the Agenda 2030since it allows improving efficiency in production processes, reducing the use of raw materials or limiting travel.

In this sense, more and more companies include in their internal plans corporate social responsibility some of the objectives aligned with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). In fact, according to an IBM study, 82% of consumers prefer to buy or work for companies that have lines of action regarding the environment.

However, according to the SDG Observatory report, 22% of companies do not report any type of sustainable development policies. Recycling and reuse, with 43% and 33%, respectively, are the most common policies among the companies that report. Only 11.9% present actions aimed at extending the life of the product and a minority of less than 3% repair.

Likewise, it is the sustainable development policy that has motivated many companies to opt for sensorization and digitalization indicators, elements that not only establish points of contact with customers, but are also a component of sustainable innovation. In this sense, according to the SDG Observatory report, the most frequent element is the sensorization-based digitization: 45.5% of companies invest in sensorization at some point in the production process or service.

On the other hand, there are sectors that, due to their activity and their particularities, are more prone to digitalization than others. The Digitalization, Sustainability and Data Centers report prepared by Afi confirms the direct relationship between digitalization and sustainability: The study shows that, for every percentage point increase in the DESI digitalization index, savings in CO2 emissions reaching 142,000 tons are achieved. Likewise, Diego Ravenda, professor and program manager of the Sustainable Financial Management with Data Analytics master’s degree at TBS Education-Barcelona, ​​reveals the importance of aligning the Sustainable Development Goals with your finance courses.

Contribution of Spanish companies to the 2030 Agenda

The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Spanish companies is increasingly evident. 9 out of 10 Spanish companies contribute to the Development Goals compiled in the 2030 Agenda. According to the study carried out in 2022 by the United Nations Global Compact, 86% know the SDGs, 17% more than in 2018.

Furthermore, 79% of the companies consulted affirm that there are competitive advantages when implementing corporate sustainability. Although it may seem distant, the sustainability of the SDGs is making its way day by day into the organizational structure of companies. 57% of Spanish companies already have a sustainability person or department. And of these, 37% depends directly on the highest position. The move towards a sustainable society and economy is not foreign to the world of finance.

There are more and more companies investing in projects that try to minimize environmental impact or promote social and good governance aspects, and there are more and more investors who try to combine their profitability objectives with the desire that their money be used to improve the environment and society. Along these lines, TBS Education-Barcelona offers the Sustainable Financial Management with Data Analytics master’s degree, a program aimed at young professionals looking to launch their careers in finance, accounting or control departments.

The program is based on a global perspective with a sustainable approach and places importance on good training, with the necessary skills to analyze complex financial and control problems, with cutting-edge data analysis techniques.

Press contact: Marina Rodríguez 692 776 465

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