Surprising: human and animal skeletons found in an ancient fort in Santa Fe

by time news

2023-09-22 19:13:21

While they were doing excavation tasks within the framework of the fifth archaeological campaign of the project “Environments of Melincue“, A team of anthropologists found remains of a thousand-year-old fort and skeletons of people and animals at one end of the Melincué lagoonlocated in the south of the province of Santa Fe.

According to the authors of the discovery, the objects of great archaeological value that they found were a chapel and a series of structures belonging to the missing Fort Melincue. that, at the beginning of the century XVIIknew how to shelter both gauchos and soldiers as well as Creole and European settlers.

While, while one of the two human skeletons which was in perfect state of conservation on the 2,000 years old and could have belonged to a priest from the fort’s church, the fossil that caught his attention the most was that of a tiredan animal about which, although very little is known, it is assumed that lived in the region in prehistoric times.

Finally, in another sector, in the east, the researchers found fossil remains of a large number of extinct animals what were they hunted by native peoples, such as deer, guanacos and ñandués.

“This finding makes us very happy because we begin to confirm the hypothesis that The lagoon was an ancestral sacred place. Men and women belonging to the Querandí communitywho developed their life and culture during thousands of years“, stated the anthropologist German Giordano.

“These dates are currently in process and, soon, they will provide more results. So, that allows us to say that When the Spanish came here, obviously the lagoon had already been populated for thousands of years.a, and developed their culture, their life, hunting animalscollecting and trading with other ethnicities“concluded who works as coordinator of the Anthropology and Paleontology Area of ​​the Gallardo Museum of the city of Rosario.

Now, researchers will look for everything The material they studied is returned to the different locations in the surrounding region. with the lagoon so that the residents of Santa Fe to the south can visit them nowadvance the knowledge of the native communities.

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