Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Tulsi Leaves in Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine | News18 Tamil

by time news

News18 Tamil | September 23, 2023, 06:29 IST

Tulsi Leaves: Nature’s Best Antibiotic, But to Chew or Not to Chew?

According to Ayurveda and traditional medicine, tulsi leaves have been hailed as nature’s best antibiotic. Tulsi leaves are considered sacred and a wonderful magical herb with curative properties for all ailments. Basil, also known as tulsi, is full of many health benefits and is believed to increase the body’s immunity when consumed in small amounts daily.

Tulsi leaves are known for their bitter and slightly astringent taste and are highly valued for their medicinal properties. The essential oils found in basil work effectively on our respiratory system. Experts recommend starting the day by eating two or three fresh basil leaves daily on an empty stomach. However, there is a debate over whether to chew or swallow tulsi leaves.

Chewing tulsi leaves, which are packed with immense medicinal properties, is said to have some negative effects. The high levels of mercury and iron present in basil leaves are the scientific reason behind the advice to avoid chewing them. Chewing tulsi leaves thoroughly can stain and cause discoloration in our teeth. It is recommended to lightly chew or swallow basil leaves whole rather than chewing them.

According to a report in Times of India, Tulsi leaves are acidic while our mouths are alkaline, which can cause wear and tear on the enamel of our teeth. Hence, it is safer to find alternate ways to consume basil leaves with medicinal properties.

One popular method is by preparing basil tea. Adding basil leaves to boiling water along with herbs and spices makes for a refreshing and healthful tea. Boiling ¼ cup of basil leaves in water and simmering for about 10 minutes, then adding 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice before straining can create a delicious and beneficial drink. Basil tea is especially recommended for people with high blood sugar levels.

Another option is to prepare tulsi juice. Soak the required amount of tulsi leaves in a cup of water for a few hours, filter the water, add some honey, and drink it for an additional health boost.

While tulsi leaves offer numerous health benefits and act as a natural antibiotic, it is crucial to be mindful of the best consumption method to avoid potential side effects. Whether you choose to chew, lightly chew, or swallow basil leaves whole, incorporating these magical leaves into your daily routine can significantly contribute to your overall well-being.

Published by: Sivaranjani E

First published: September 23, 2023, 06:29 IST

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