CONDUSEF alerts about fraud by loan companies

by time news

2023-09-23 10:01:42

In New Lion The request for loans is increasingly recurrent, and with it also the cheats.

Credit management companies proliferate everywhere, many of them without permits to operate, and many others do not even exist.

The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Service Users Financial (CONDUSEF) issued an alert to the population about express loan companies without requirements, such as verifying income or consulting the applicant’s Credit Bureau.

As a hook, they offer loans to the population ranging from 2 thousand pesos to 5 million pesos, through newspaper advertisements, flyers, telephone, on Internet pages, or also through social networks.

Once people request the loan, these companies ask them for a deposit of approximately 6 percent of the total loan for management and administration costs, deposit or insurance; Subsequently, the company claims that the credit is in the authorization process, without reaching its final delivery, keeping the advance payment.

They even ask for more money, arguing that it is necessary to speed up the authorization of the credit, and then they disappear or change their name so that you cannot locate them.

Rafael Vallejo Minuti, head of the BA1 User Care Unit of the CONDUSEF in New Lioncalled on the Monterrey population not to be fooled by this type of offers that predominate mainly in Mexico City, Jalisco, New Lion and the State of Mexico, among others.

“They must keep in mind that, in most cases, it is a fraud, since they only seek to profit and obtain an economic benefit from the people who come to them out of necessity, which is why it is recommended to resort to formal and duly registered Financial Institutions “said Vallejo Minuti.

“To find out if the entity with which you want to contract a loan is a Financial Institution, we invite users to consult the Registry of Service Providers Financial (SIPRES) of the CONDUSEFat the address:”, he pointed out.

The head of the BA1 User Care Unit of the CONDUSEF in New Lionmentioned that Monterrey residents should only answer calls from banks from which they have previously requested information to request some type of support for their credit according to the established program.

“You must be prepared so that they do not surprise you with calls telling you that the bank has qualified or chosen you to defer the payment of your credit for four or up to six months, for which they ask for your card numbers, your passwords or other confidential numbers, Be careful, this is fraud or vishing,” he emphasized.

Vallejo Minuti explained that, to access the established support, they must first contact their bank, ask if they meet the requirements and conditions to be subject to support, for which they will give them a number or identification number for the matter, while The case is analyzed and in this way, the client answers his bank only if he first mentions your number or matter folio.

Likewise, for express credits, the CONDUSEF recommends that you not be fooled by the apparent speed in granting credit that some companies offer.

“If you require financing, you must ensure the identity and registration of the institution with the CONDUSEF. It is much safer to go with duly authorized Financial Institutions,” mentioned Vallejo Minuti.

Also, ask not to hand over personal documents or credit or debit card information if you have not contacted the bank first.

He recalled that express loans are only a temporary relief of liquidity, and even worsen the economic situation.

“The benefits are not automatic, that is, the bank analyzes case by case and verifies that certain requirements are met by the borrower, to be subject to the support requested,” commented Vallejo Minuti.

It is recommended that users take more care than ever about their payment capacity at this time, particularly that they manage the use of their money well, which can be more useful if an eventuality arises, that is, having it as a reserve.

For more information consult the Portal Fraud Financial at the following email address

Meanwhile, for any additional questions or queries, the Monterrey community can contact the Telephone Service Center 55 53 400 999, or visit the Internet page Or follow social networks on Twitter: @CondusefMX, Facebook: /Condusefoficial, Instagram: @condusefoficial and YouTube: CondusefOficial.

#CONDUSEF #alerts #fraud #loan #companies

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