Abandonment of the lives of the settlers: A resident of Gush Etzion who saved a group of Jews who were attacked with stones – interrogated with a warning and his weapon confiscated | Watch

by time news

The police turn their backs on terrorists who carry out dozens of stone attacks every day throughout our country and investigate those who dare to defend themselves and other Jews. A resident of Gush Etzion, Yishai Yifati, who last Friday was forced to protect a group of Jews, including women and babies, who were attacked with a barrage of stones during a protest shift, was questioned by police with a warning, and this morning (Tuesday) a police officer arrived at his home and confiscated his weapon.

In an incident that took place last Friday, a group of Gush Etzion residents stood near the Arab village of Tekoa in protest of the Gush resident’s head injury. At the end of the protest, a group of Arabs began attacking the protesters, the policemen and the soldiers who were standing there with a barrage of stones. Yifati was the first to recover and fired a single shot into the air to stop the stone-throwing immediately. To his astonishment, this week he was summoned to the police station, where he was questioned with a warning and this morning, as stated, a policeman arrived at his house and confiscated his weapon.

In documentation from the incident, stones can be seen being deliberately thrown to hit residents and security forces. The documentation shows one of the women holding a baby in her arms, and a stone thrown at her passes near the baby’s head and almost hurts him and the others present at the scene.

Yifati, married and father of 6, resident of Kfar Eldad, a graduate of combat military service, said in response to the confiscation of his weapons: “Shame, shame, we are being abandoned, the terrorists are celebrating, and we are being investigated. I have no words. Immediately, I saw stones flying near babies, I fired in the air according to the instructions and the law, and really on Monday the attack was stopped and apparently prevented mental injury.
The State of Israel prefers to see Jews wounded, rather than terrorists fleeing, there is no one here to protect our lives. I call on everyone whose lives are important to Jews to do everything in their power to stop this insane situation – that the victims become guilty. “

Advocate Nati Rom, who is assisting a resident on behalf of the Honno organization, said: “I saw an upside-down world, the victim was interrogated, while the attackers are not trying to stop, no investigation is being conducted and no resources and manpower are being invested to decipher who carried out this stone attack. Apart from the harsh discrimination, the selective enforcement here is the abandonment of human life. My client is an exemplary civilian, a graduate of military service, the salt of the earth, who conducted himself exemplary, in a corrected condition he was invited to a ceremony honoring the police station for resourcefulness and saving lives and not for interrogation and confiscation of his weapon. “I intend to act on all levels so that the injustice against my client is stopped immediately, so that his weapon is immediately in his possession and so that the case against him is closed.”

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