Ora Questler: Remembering Avri Gilad’s Mother and Her Remarkable Life

by time news

Ora Questler, the mother of Avri Gilad, tragically passed away just two days before her 93rd birthday. Gilad, a well-known personality, shared the heartbreaking moment when he received the news. He recounted, “Last night, while sitting with my friends and discussing Yom Kippur, the sound of Noa Kirel’s concert echoed in the background. Suddenly, the phone rang and my mother’s caregiver urged me to come quickly, saying that something had happened.”

Without wasting a moment, Gilad raced to the hospital on his bike. As he arrived, he found the caregiver, Arlene Tzadika, and the nurse from the shelter waiting for him at the door. His mother had passed away, just before the start of Yom Kippur and a mere two days before her 93rd birthday.

In her final moments, Gilad had the opportunity to have a private conversation with his mother, discussing things they had never spoken about before. He expressed his gratitude for all she had done for him and his sister, Efrat, and forgave her for any shortcomings she may have had due to the challenges she faced supporting their father, a Holocaust survivor.

Avri Gilad also shared some details about his mother’s remarkable biography. Ora Koestler, formerly Ora Winograd, was born in Jerusalem and was a seventh-generation Israeli. She served as a Palmach fighter and devoted her life to volunteering and caring for her husband, a survivor of Auschwitz. Until recently, she worked as a librarian at “Mish’an” and was the dedicated editor of the Habit newspaper. Unfortunately, the old age took a toll on her, causing further deterioration. Despite the sadness surrounding her passing, Gilad found solace in the fact that she was saved from enduring further suffering.

In conclusion, Gilad expressed that the funeral and Shabbat proceedings would be shortened due to the ongoing holidays. He promised to inform his close acquaintances of the details after Yom Kippur and expressed his gratitude to all those who offered their support and comfort during this difficult time.

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