Five strange jobs for which 60,000 euros are charged in Japan (and that can reach Spain)

by time news

2023-09-24 09:00:00

Get paid for doing nothingor almost nothing, is possible in Japan. The country where workers dedicate more hours and efforts to work is the same in being pioneer of this type of jobs characterized by “doing nothing” and getting paid.

While in this country tomorrow hundreds of people as a consequence of the ‘karochi‘ (work overload), some others manage to pocket large quantities of money to perform simple tasks like being ‘accompanying’. This is the case of Shoji Morimotoa Japanese who has been lending his company for four years in exchange for great financial compensation.

“I lend people to do nothing. “I can’t do anything except eat and drink,” this is how the Japanese presents his services in your account Instagram y Twitter, tools you use to attract customers to your business. In a recent interview with the media The Times, Morimoto confessed that before starting this business he worked in a company where he explains that “I wasn’t good at anything”. “I couldn’t even make a simple phone call.”, recognizes the medium. The BBCfor its part, has published a video explaining the beginnings of his profession and its operation.

Its services are limited: listen, eat and accompany. However, there are multiple situations where this feature can be useful. From accompanying you on a long train journey, go eat at a restaurant where you don’t want to go alone, do mannequin model of photos or just being someone who listens to the vents of a stressed person.

Your company is called ‘Do-Nothing Rental’ and although it may seem that it is the work that requires less efforts, There are others that are less demanding, or at least, similar. Here we explain five of them, all practiced in Japan, which can make you earn up to 60,000 euros per year.

1.Professionals at apologizing

Ask for forgiveness It is a step that, in general, it is difficult for us to do. Acknowledging that we have made a mistake is not a palatable dish for anyone, but sometimes it is necessary. In Japan there are professionals who are in charge of making this request for you. It’s not just that there are people willing to do it, it’s that there are agencies specialized in this type of tasks.

According to the British newspaper Daily Starthese companies charge a price of 223 euros for an apology in person. If an apology is contracted through phone or messagethe budget is cheaper: 90 euros.

2. Companion for sorrows (requires being handsome)

The Japanese They value the company a lot and they are willing to pay large amounts of money for it. Of course, this “profession” It requires you to be handsome. The role played by those who dedicate themselves to this is to act as a companion to people who are having a bad time and want to cry.

Hiroki Teraithe creator of the agency ‘Ikemeso Office’ -one of those that offers these services- charges 68 euros per hour to provide this service. “The Japanese They are not used to crying in front of people. But once you do it in front of others, the atmosphere changes, especially in a business,” the Japanese confessed to the BBC.

3.Dog food taster

This profession does not need much explanation: it is about pay for someone to taste your dog’s food and explain and evaluate its flavor, something that the animal is incapable of doing. In general, These services are contracted by food brands for pets to taste their products.

4.Wedding guest

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If you are missing guests for your wedding and you want your celebration to be packed with people, in Japan you can hire a ‘false friend’ to act as a guest. This ‘actor’, in addition to earning a good amount of money, will be able to enjoy the banquet and party. If you pay a higher price, it could even include a speech at the event.

5. Pusher of people in the subway

All the works mentioned seem surreal, but this one even more so. Tokyo is one of the cities where the most people gather in the subways at rush hour, therefore, people are hired for the sole purpose of pushing the greatest number of people inside the convoys before the door closes. In this video you can see well the way they work these employees.

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