In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 12 January: “Never discussed at the CTS about obligation and school”

by time news


“Bring a drink”: Johnson and 100 guests at the Covid party

Premier & Lies – Email disproves the official version of the Downing Street meeting


Catholic and tenacious, Sassoli was a young Mattarella

The president of the EU Parliament has died

B. in action

“Hello, I’m Silvio”. Thus the Caimano convinces the former M5S

“Hello, I’m Silvio Berlusconi”. The parliamentarian remains petrified. He did not expect a direct call from the former prime minister. They had told him that the Forza Italia leader was looking for him, but he would never have imagined talking to him on the phone. At most a few meetings of its emissaries in Parliament. He is a former 5 Star, […]

He folder

Quirinal stall: the giallorosa go blank

The parties to the test of the vote – Five Stars and Pd think they do not write anything on the card for the first three calls, and then go to the “encore” or Draghi. Conte will meet Salvini

Ignazio Marino

“Enough technicians, a woman would be needed at Colle”

The Martian, who was the mayor of Rome, does not want a technician at the Quirinale, therefore not even Mario Draghi. He is strict with the Democratic Party, as his custom. But he swears he is no longer in certain dynamics: “Have I recently heard from Massimo D’Alema or Goffredo Bettini? No”. From the United States, Ignazio Marino. Draghi seems to want to […]


Metropol case, Russia’s silence saves Savoini

Two foreign states do not respond to the requests of the Italian judiciary in fact saving influential Northern League supporters such as Gianluca Savoini, former Sherpa of Salvini for relations with the government of Vladimir Putin and the Lombard president Attilio Fontana for some foreign accounts from a probable trial. Now, however, if Switzerland’s non-responses (confirmed yesterday […]

Not just Kazakhstan

The world is running low and revolutions wait no longer

Ecuador, India, Turkey; skyrocketing bills, people on the brink: inflation rhymes with exasperation

Quirinale 2022

Right divided on the big voters. Presidents and suspects pass

Revenge – BE dry in Lombardy, where even Pd e 5S. Campania is full of unpresentables, in Lazio rude to Zinga

My president

“I only know one thing: I would have liked Mattarella’s encore”

Bruno Pizzul – The historic commentator of the national team

Berlusconi at the Quirinale? No thank you

He gets away with Ruby and Renzi tries to save-B. Then the divorce

Thirty-second episode. Goodbye Nazarene – Silvio and Matteo write the disgusting things together, but break on the Hill. One wants Amato, the other elects Mattarella

Press & premier

The opinions of the international press: the premier had to respond

Shut up My unanswered question received no answer When I asked Draghi for an opinion on the lack of restrictions in the United Kingdom, where infections are perhaps decreasing anyway, and a parallel with the Italian case, I somewhat expected that he would not answer . I say this because the question was a bit slippery […]

The revelation

“Study on six hospitals: 34% of Covid hospitalized do not enter for Covid”

It is not a question of minimizing Covid-19. Indeed, just yesterday to the alarm of the Italian Society of Surgery for the postponement of planned interventions in the order of 50-80 per cent in the various areas of the country was added that of the Federation of Oncologists, Cardiologists and Hematologists: “We are very worried about the block of the planned surgical activity determined by the new one […]

Wanted by Cingolani

The McKinsey boy lands at Mite: he will lead the PNRR

Since January 3, the new head of the equally new Department for Pnrr of the Ministry of Ecological Transition is at work: Sergio Mattarella, on the proposal of Minister Cingolani, signed the Dpr which appoints Paolo D’Aprile until the end of 2026. Who was this? The reader will ask. He is the adviser to McKinsey whose appointment […]

Industry in crisis

The car has broken down: the future is uncertain, the present in Cig

Stopped and afraid – In 2019, according to a report from Fiom, there were 26.5 million hours of layoffs: in 2021 56 million. Meanwhile, Draghi makes a silent scene

Istat data

The precariousness returns close to historical records

Employment – In the last 12 months, 91% of the additional 494,000 employees were hired on a fixed-term basis

Investigations closed

Rome, Aielli is accused of abuse of office: the dg of the Campidoglio now risks trial

The trial of Paolo Aielli, director general of Roma Capitale since last October, is at risk. The city manager of the Campidoglio, first appointed by the new mayor Roberto Gualtieri, is under investigation in Rome for abuse of office, in competition with two executives of the State Mint and the legal representative of Heidelberg Italia Srl (deceased). The story is linked to […]

Suicidal TV Producer

Losito, 5 million seized in Tarallo: ‘False will’

He would make a false will stating that his partner had named him as the universal heir to his estate. This is the hypothesis that prompted the Public Prosecutor of Rome to seize about 5 million euros from Alberto Tarallo, a film author, investigated for falsification in a holographic will. The story concerns the suicide of the ex […]

“There was no disturbance”

Diasorin test in Lombardy, Pm: “Archiving”

Unhappy sentences by President Fontana, conflicts of interest, collusive hypotheses. Everything is there, but it is not enough to identify a crime. The system of power can be glimpsed but resists. This is the reasoning of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office, which requested the dismissal of the investigation into the purchase of 500 thousand Diasorin serological tests by the Region. Investigation for which the […]


Rejected the request of the former 007 Contrada: “No compensation from the State”

The state must not compensate Bruno Contrada for unjust detention. This was established by the Court of Appeal of Palermo which rejected the petition presented by its defenders. Contrada, number two of the Sisde (the civil secret service) and a policeman active for years in Palermo, was definitively sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2007 […]

Storm on Rai

Fuortes, aut aut to Casarin: skip the deputy Northern League or he out of the Tgr

More and more stormy air at Tgr Rai. After the closing of the night editions, another tile arrives on the head of Alessandro Casarin. The director had been appointed by the previous management, that of the CEO Fabrizio Salini. With the change of management and the arrival of Carlo Fuortes, he was reconfirmed but with one pact: that of remaining with a […]

18 young people searched

Harassment in Piazza Duomo, “At least 12 suspects”

There are a dozen people under investigation for harassment in Piazza Duomo in Milan on New Year’s Eve. Sources in the prosecutor’s office specify that “the number is destined to grow”. Yesterday, the police conducted searches between Milan and Turin, against 18 young people believed to be involved in the attacks. There are 15 boys of age […]

Recognized by her husband

The corpse of Trieste belongs to Liliana Resinovich

The body of the woman found dead on January 5 in Trieste, in the grove of the former psychiatric hospital of San Giovanni, belongs to Liliana Resinovich, 63, retired, who disappeared on December 14. It was the woman’s brother, Sergio, who made the recognition. The woman’s husband, Sebastiano Visintin, was also called to the police station for […]


Asl contracts of Naples: the shadow of the Casalesi

Over 7 million euros. This is the figure confiscated by the Court of Florence on 26 current accounts from subjects close to the Casalesi Camorra clan. The Gdf of Lucca has implemented a provision also concerning 2 cars, 8 companies, 18 commercial premises, 32 homes, 7 garages and 4 land. […]

In Salerno

Illegal online games, 33 arrests. Collections of over 5 billion

In two years they would have grossed 5 billion euros. There are also people considered by the Salerno Public Prosecutor’s Office (led by Giuseppe Borrelli) related to the Casalesi among the 33 subjects to whom the carabinieri have notified as many arrest orders as part of an investigation by the DDA on a vast round of illegal games and betting extended to Panama, Romania […]

The memory

David was ironic and loyal: when he decided to run we were left alone

From Rai to politics – The friend Ferrario


Almaty Toqaev appoints prime minister and attacks Nazarbayev: “It’s his fault”

With the choice of Alikhan Smailov in the role of prime minister, President Kassym-Jomart Toqaev wants to definitively close the Nazarbayev era, to which he attributed the social hardships of the country. Former Prime Minister Askar Mamin resigned last week in an attempt to appease the anger of protesters exasperated by the increase in diesel fuel, and Toqaev had […]


The UN extends aid in areas outside the regime’s control

Wars are killing victims not only with bombing: the consequences are lack of medical care, food, water and heating. In Syria, 11 years after the start of the conflict, there are still millions of people, including children and the elderly, without homes and means that the cold winter makes even more urgent. For this reason the […]

Other worlds

The craziest of grandtours

Journey to Unusual Places – Geographer Bonnett goes “Beyond the Maps”


“For my parents, I write ‘songs’: I am grateful for indifference”

The singer-songwriter, already the revelation of “X-Factor”, comes out with “Fallirò”: “I know I’ll fall a thousand times, I’m at the beginning”


Those “horns” of Europe: the helmets for a walk between Sardinia and the Baltic

From the North to the Mediterranean, similar finds and symbols

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