Scammers start using artificial intelligence; know how to protect yourself

by time news

2023-09-24 04:00:27

Not only jobs are threatened by AI Pexels The advancement of technology always brings benefits and harms. It has been like this throughout history. With AI (artificial intelligence), it would be no different. Despite making life easier for programmers, for example, the tool is being used to carry out scams. “AI is criminals’ newest tool for making victims, especially in financial fraud, and it is certainly also one of the most sophisticated ways of carrying out scams. Criminals are following advances in technology and improving techniques, which are becoming increasingly complex”, explains Henrique Schneider, executive president of Netfive, a company specializing in information security. See also Extra Income ChatGPT: artificial intelligence will help with personal finances this year, says expert Economy Will your job be replaced by ChatGPT? Experts explain Economy Workers must remain relevant to avoid the threat of AI How criminals use AIs One of the main scams applied with the help of artificial intelligence is the manipulation or simulation of the voice. There are programs capable of “cloning” a voice, based on a few seconds of audio. Thus, criminals are able to imitate everything from the tone of speech, to pauses and the victim’s breathing and make requests for money much more convincing, by sending audios to friends and family or making calls that deceive even the closest people due to the similarity with the voice. real. Another type of fraud that uses artificial intelligence is the deepfake technique, which replaces faces and thus creates fake images and videos. The AI ​​can put one face in place of another and simulate speech and body movements, which makes the videos very realistic. Read also Women may lose more jobs to AI than men, study shows This technique can be used to defraud facial biometrics systems, for example, often used as a security step for accessing bank accounts or applications and websites that require facial recognition. Furthermore, the creation of fake photos and videos through deepfake can also facilitate scams such as false kidnapping, as criminals would be able to generate images to manipulate family members and induce them to make bank transfers or pass on data as a way of paying. for the ransom of a relative. Find out how to protect yourself For the executive, advances in technology require us to be increasingly careful with our data. “Currently, criminals are not only committed to stealing our passwords and money, but also our image and even our voice. Therefore, be extra careful when posting something on your social networks, especially if your profile is public, because this way, your information is much more exposed and can be accessed by anyone”, warns Schneider. Furthermore, he recommends a lot of attention and a certain amount of distrust when receiving messages from family and friends asking for money. In these cases, try contacting the person directly. If it’s in person, even better. It is also possible to agree on a safe word in advance among family or friends, to be used as a way of confirming the person’s identity. Also be wary of messages (SMS or WhatsApp) and emails with links, especially from senders that are different from the companies’ official channels. Always try to contact them through these channels and, if possible, resolve any issues in person, especially those involving financial issues. Also, do not provide data such as CPF and card number or make transfers to strangers. ChatGPT: technology helps, but to what extent?
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