How Yom Kippur is celebrated

by time news

2023-09-24 14:40:20

It’s unbearable: an argument breaks out between good friends, or a quarrel in the family escalates. Anger towards someone you like just keeps getting bigger. Before you know it, mean and hurtful words have already been spoken. And when the feelings cool down again, you realize that it wasn’t actually meant that way. But what remains is a big lump in the pit of the stomach and the desire to get along again. But sometimes it takes a lot of effort before you dare to say: “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you.”

For Jews worldwide, this moment of reconciliation is part of their most important holiday – Yom Kippur. The festival is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Tishri. The Jewish calendar is not based on the sun, but on the movement of the moon. This means that Yom Kippur takes place between September and October. In 2023, for example, the Day of Reconciliation will fall on a Sunday, September 24th.

Image: Johannes Thielen

Ten days beforehand, Jews celebrate the beginning of their new year, called Rosh Hashanah. Afterwards you have the opportunity to think carefully about who you have wronged before Yom Kippur. One should repent and ask for forgiveness, but also take heart and forgive others. According to Jewish belief, God writes down the actions of all people and thus seals their fate – for better or worse. Anyone who shows repentance in time for the Day of Atonement will have the opportunity to be inscribed in the book of life, the Sefer Chajjim. The names of everyone who has done good are written there. That’s why Jews want a good seal before Yom Kippur: “Khatima Tova!”

On the day before Yom Kippur, the final preparations take place: many observant Jews visit the mikveh. This is a kind of bath to be as pure as possible before God on the feast day. After the afternoon prayer, people eat together and in the evening the girls and women light candles. People gather in the synagogue for prayer – Kol Nidreij. In it, all oaths and promises that were previously made and yet broken are abolished. Because all that matters now is a clear conscience before God.

Tobias Rüther Published/Updated: Recommendations: 25 Aylin Güler Published/Updated: Recommendations: 22 Justus Bender Published/Updated: Recommendations: 80

Yom Kippur lasts a whole day. Nobody works or goes to school. But that doesn’t mean you should enjoy your free time. People fast and abstain from many important things such as eating or showering. Listening to music or playing on your cell phone is also taboo. Nothing should distract you from thinking about your life. But the fate of others should also be taken into account. That’s why many donate to poor people on the holiday.

Five services take place during Yom Kippur, together lasting ten hours. During this time, many believers adorn themselves in white clothing as a sign of freedom from sins. Leather shoes are not allowed to be worn because animals had to die for them and that doesn’t go with festive clothing. After the last prayer in the synagogue, the shofar, a ritual horn, is blown. This is how the Day of Atonement ends.

In the sense “Chag sameach!” – happy holidays.

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