São Paulo records five deaths and a 102% increase in visits due to the effects of heat

by time news

2023-09-23 18:53:00

São Paulo records heat records WERTHER SANTANA/ESTADÃO CONTENT In the first seven months of the year, the state of São Paulo recorded a 102.5% increase in outpatient care and hospitalizations caused by exposure to heat, compared to the same period in 2022. There were five deaths in the period. See also Cities The winter of 2023 was one of the hottest since 1961, according to Inmet Cities Man has a heart attack weeding in intense heat in MS R7 Weather Find out how to protect your children during the heat wave The data was released by the State Department of Health this Friday (22), in a week in which much of Brazil faces a heat wave. According to data from the folder, there were 312 services provided in 2023, compared to 154 in the same period last year. Elderly people over 60 years old, children under 4 years old and people with cognitive disabilities are the most affected and fall into the risk group. This audience has a reduced ability to perceive or communicate when they are thirsty and to regulate their own body temperature. The secretariat’s information does not take into account data from August and September. Depending on the heat recorded in these two months, and considering the tendency for temperatures to increase in the spring period, these numbers should increase. The problem of high temperatures, however, is far from being unique to Brazil. According to the United States Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), which has been recording global temperatures for 174 years, August 2023 was the hottest compared to all other Augusts in previous years. Heat could break historic record in SP this weekend; see images The forecast is that the heat in the capital of São Paulo will reach its peak this weekend, which marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. According to the city’s Emergency Management Center (CGE), thermometers could register 36ºC on Sunday afternoon (24). If confirmed, it will be the highest temperature of the year so far. The current record is this Friday: 34.7ºC. With no rain forecast, the sun predominates and keeps the weather sultry. According to the CGE, the humidity rate drops from 28% (predicted for Saturday) to 23% on Sunday. The consequences of this low humidity are the concentration of pollutants in the air and the risk of fires, which can further worsen health problems, especially respiratory problems. To get through this period of high temperatures in a healthier way, experts recommend drinking fluids (1.5 liters to 2 liters) throughout the day; keep environments ventilated, airy and fresh; wear light clothes; and not doing physical exercise at the time of day when the heat is most intense — the suggestion is to do it before 10 am and after 4 pm. The recommendation is to observe the behavior of the public who are in the risk group, who are unable to verbalize what they feel. Young children, for example, become more tearful, irritable, drowsy and have red skin. A drop in urination frequency is also a sign that they are feeling the effects of heat. Elderly people also deserve special attention, due to their greater risk of developing dehydration. Because they are subject to diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, they lose more water through urine because of the medication. Another factor that contributes to dehydration in older people is the natural decrease in the functions of the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature. With the impairment of this region of the brain, the elderly feel less thirsty and, therefore, drink less fluids than they should. Signs of drowsiness, lethargy, weakness, persistent headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and convulsions may be indicative of dehydration and body heat. In babies, the fontanelle may present with mild depression. Anyone experiencing these symptoms, regardless of age, should seek medical assistance.
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