What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s interview

by time news

2023-09-24 21:48:35
Emmanuel Macron during his interview with the 8 p.m. news on TF1 and France 2. GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP

Take your hand while taking the light. Emmanuel Macron gave a twenty-minute interview to the 8 p.m. news on TF1 and France 2 on Sunday to try to take advantage of the visits of Charles III and Pope Francis to France, largely discussing the challenges of the start of the school year, inflation to immigration through the ecological transition.

An unpleasant political surprise fell a few hours before the television interview: the only minister in the running in the senatorial elections, Secretary of State Sonia Backès, was beaten on Sunday in New Caledonia by an independence candidate, a first in the history of the Senate . A subject that the Head of State did not mention, the retention or not of the minister in the government having not been recorded either at the Elysée or at Matignon.

To the Pope on migrants: “We are doing our part”

While Pope Francis called for efforts from France and Europe in welcoming migrants, Emmanuel Macron agreed with the sovereign pontiff, while believing that “we French, we do our part”. “We cannot accommodate all the misery in the world”he added, using the famous truncated sentence of former socialist prime minister Michel Rocard.

To the countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, in particular Tunisia, he hopes that Europe will offer “to take on board studies, experts, materials, etc. on their coasts to dismantle these smugglers” as part of’“a respectful partnership”.

The return of the ambassador and French soldiers posted in Niger

“France has decided to bring back its ambassador”which Paris has so far refused to recall, and “we are ending our military cooperation with Niger”announced Emmanuel Macron, indicating that the 1,500 French soldiers would leave “in the coming weeks and months” and that the withdrawal would be completed ” by the end of the year “.

Engaged in a two-month standoff with the Nigerien junta, Emmanuel Macron had accused the military in power of holding the French ambassador “hostage” inside the embassy.

Inflation: Macron wants fuel at cost price and moderation of margins in food

” There is no miracle solution “ faced with the rise in the price of a barrel of crude oil, declared the Head of State, affirming that the government would ask fuel distributors to sell at cost price, renouncing the idea of ​​authorizing manufacturers to sell fuel at a loss.

Emmanuel Macron also intends to put in place an agreement on the “margin moderation” for major agri-food manufacturers. “We have large groups who have raised the prices of some of their brands and so we want to put them back at the table”he said on TF1 and France 2.

France will exit coal by 2027

France will exit coal by 2027, by converting its last two power stations, President Emmanuel Macron declared on Sunday, specifying a presidential campaign promise. The head of state, however, ruled out banning gas boilers as part of ecological planning.

Azerbaijan “threatens” Armenia, according to Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron expressed concern on Sunday evening about a possible military offensive by Azerbaijan against Armenia, stressing that Baku « menace » the common border and “territorial integrity” from this country. “France is very vigilant about the territorial integrity of Armenia because that is what is at stake”he said on TF1 and France 2. “Today we have a Russia which is complicit with Azerbaijan, a Turkey which has always supported these maneuvers and a power which is uninhibited and which threatens the border of Armenia”he said, after Baku’s lightning victory against the separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The world

#remember #Emmanuel #Macrons #interview

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