This is how the Municipal Council that will accompany Mynor Morales in Villa Nueva is integrated

by time news

2023-09-23 00:49:00

Mynor Morales, elected mayor of Villa Nueva, will head the Municipal Council for the period 2024-2028.

According to preliminary data from the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the council would be made up of five political parties.

This is how it would be integrated:

Trustee 1: Danilo Monterroso (Valor) Trustee 2: Lester Natareno (Valor) Trustee 3: Erick Arauz (Valor) Councilor 1: Luis López (Valor) Councilor 2: Felix Hernández (Valor) Councilor 3: Sindy Morales (Valor) Councilor 4 : Jorge Rodrigo Meoño (Vamos) Councilor 5: José Pablo Ramazzini (Vamos) Councilor 6: María de Lourdes Nicolasa (Semilla) Councilor 7: Victor Hugo Coyoy (Semilla) Councilor 8: José Humberto Meléndez (BIEN) Councilor 9: Cruz Raymundo Ordóñez (GOOD) Councilor 10: Eddlin Mariel León (Republican Union)

The role of the Council is established in article 9 of the Municipal Code which establishes that “is the highest collegiate body for deliberation and decision-making on municipal affairs whose members are jointly and severally responsible for making decisions.” and has its headquarters in the head of the municipal district. The municipal government corresponds to the Municipal Council, which is responsible for exercising the autonomy of the municipality.”

All council members have a voice and vote on the issues addressed. The Law establishes that they must meet at least once a week.

The difference between trustees and councilors is that the former are the legal representatives of the commune.while the others work directly with the neighbors to address their needs, at least that is what the legal framework mandates.

The diets

The members of the council, with the exception of the mayor, do not have a salary, Well, they are not community workers, but they do receive diets for attending meetings.

In the case of Villa Nueva, the issue becomes relevant, since the current mayor Javier Gramajo and his council authorized that the payment per session be Q4 thousandan amount that has allowed each member to earn an average of Q68 thousand per month, as stated on the community’s website.

In this regard, the elected mayor Mynor Morales promised that he would reduce his salary, which amounts to Q30 thousand per month and that I would only call a session once a week so that the amount paid for per diem is lower, since to date millions of quetzales are allocated in that area.

If he fulfills his promise, the monthly payment to each member of the council would go from Q68 thousand to Q16 thousand per month, approximately.

#Municipal #Council #accompany #Mynor #Morales #Villa #Nueva #integrated

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