The Jirama abandons self-reading of meters

by time news

2023-09-13 09:00:00

Back to the old system. Jirama meter reading agents will be back at all Jirama customers. Jirama will gradually abandon the self-reading introduced since the Covid-19 crisis from this month of September.

It announces the resumption of the physical reading of water and electricity consumption indexes by its own agents to avoid accumulations of consumption and estimated consumption which often give rise to customer complaints.

Even if initially, the self-metering system raised an outcry from many consumers who were reluctant to record their consumption indexes, some customers preferred it for various reasons.

The readers have resumed service for customers who have chosen not to send their index to Jirama since November 2021. Self-reading had no longer become compulsory but those who opted for self-reading did. found advantages.

In fact, in the event of non-receipt of the index, the customer has an estimated consumption bill. In this case, the calculation is based on the average consumption over the last three months. Once the index is received, the customer’s bill is adjusted according to their actual consumption. If the customer paid more than he owes, he is entitled to a “Credit” and Jirama had to subtract it from the amount in the following month’s invoice.

#Jirama #abandons #selfreading #meters

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