‘ComprometiDOS’: 14 Aqualia measures to promote work and sustainable economic growth

by time news

2023-09-25 13:54:53

Only 15% of the 169 goals that make up the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are advancing satisfactorily; 48% show moderate developments and 37% experience a lack of progress or even setback. This is the conclusion reached by the United Nations in the eighth anniversary of the declaration of the 17 SDGs which is celebrated this Monday, September 25. The international organization calls on states and companies to strengthen their commitment to support the achievement of these goals. This year, the UN focuses on SDG 8: ‘Decent work and economic growth’ and points out the importance of achieving a sustained, inclusive and sustainable progress that benefits all people equally and does not harm the environment.

Aqualia joins this celebration for another year, detailing the 14 actions it carries out under 8 work areas to promote compliance with SDG 8 and the 2030 Agenda. The campaign can be followed on social networks with the hashtag ‘#ComprometiDOS’ And through a website with complete information about these actions.

For Aqualia, which employs nearly 13,000 professionals in 18 countries around the world, people management is one of the main corporate challenges. The promotion of Local employment, stable work and a quality work environment They are fundamental goals for the company. In this strategic axis, the company continues to advance with initiatives in 8 different areas: diversity, safety, conciliation, quality training, physical and mental health, promotion of local employment, and regulatory compliance.

14 actions for the development of the SDG8

Through your campaign #CompromisedDOSthe company presents different initiatives around Objective No. 8: as part of the efforts to enrich the culture in terms of diversity and equalitythe creation of the Diversity Committee, the ‘mentoring’ initiative that helps make women visible within the company; or receiving the ‘Diversity Leading Company’ Seal, becoming the first company in the water sector to obtain it, and the ‘Empowering Women’s Talent’ Seal, for the company’s commitment to female talent.

From the point of view of conciliation, measures are being promoted to facilitate well-being and balance of personal and professional life of all those who make up the organization, measures that have led Aqualia to obtain the Family Responsible Company (efr) seal, awarded by the Másfamila Foundation in recognition of its track record in this matter.

Refering to quality training, in 2022 Aqualia renewed all agreements with the universities with which it has collaborated for years and signed new collaborations with schools, universities and Vocational Training centers both nationally and internationally. TO Internally, the company organized a total of 18,684 courses in the last year. Most of them have language training, due to the company’s strong international presence, and also in areas related to safety, health and well-being, equality and diversity, digital or legal and regulatory compliance, among others. In addition, it provided 1,650 hours of sustainability training to 275 managers and intermediate positions.

In matters of security, it is a priority objective to achieve a work environment that improves people’s health and well-being. Specifically, for the application of comprehensive Health and Wellbeing policies, Aqualia was awarded several external awards and recognitions throughout last year, as in the case of the 10th Edition of the ASEPEYO ‘Antoni Serra Santamans’ AWARDS.

Finally, the company is committed to Physical Health of the people who are part of the workforce, promoting a healthy lifestyle to improve the quality of life of employees; and for emotional health, offering tools to control the level of mental and emotional well-being and offering a psychological counseling service for both the professional and personal spheres.

The eighth area with which the company advances in line with SDG 8 is that of normative compliance, which conveys to all people and countries where the company operates compliance with the standards, principles and ethical values ​​of Aqualia. In this sense, in 2022, the appointment of local ‘Compliance Officers’ was carried out, a milestone to ensure the transmission of its ethical culture to the 17 countries.

Company certified for its contribution to the SDGs

Aqualia is the first comprehensive water cycle management company to receive the Sustainability Strategy certification and its contribution to the AENOR SDGsfor incorporating sustainability into the company’s principles and for aligning the entity’s strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most relevant to its activity.

Compliance with the SDGs is aligned with the commitments set forth in the Aqualia 2022 Sustainability Report, where the company recognizes its role in facing, from a leadership based on the highest ethical standards, the social and environmental challenges of the decade; and with its already consolidated Strategic Sustainability Plan 2021-2023, which has become its roadmap.

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