Ecological planning: electric cars, RER, heat pumps… what to remember from Macron’s announcements

by time news

2023-09-25 19:22:34

Emmanuel Macron unveiled France’s strategy to combat greenhouse gas emissions this Monday at the end of the Ecological Planning Council. The Head of State began by discussing the results of recent years, stating in particular that France had “reduced, over the last five years, by 2% per year” its greenhouse gas emissions.

Before detailing the government’s strategy, Emmanuel Macron recalled that he did not want an “ecology of denial”, nor an “ecology of treatment”, but “a sovereign ecology”.

The President of the Republic set “a fundamental objective”: That of being “completely free from coal for the production of our electricity, under this mandate”, adding that it was “to be in advance” of the IPCC objective which asks countries to exit by 2030.

13 metropolitan RERs

Emmanuel Macron obviously pleaded for the development of renewable energies – in particular by establishing “a large inventory of mining resources on our territory” – and nuclear power. “Our dependence on fossil fuels costs us 120 billion per year,” he explained.

On the issue of transport, the Head of State announced that the State will release 700 million euros to build 13 metropolitan RERs. He also announced that he wanted to increase the annual production of electric cars in France to one million vehicles by 2027.

Pleading for “an accessible and fair ecology”, Emmanuel Macron indicated that the State will unveil in November the electric car leasing system at 100 euros per month, promised during his campaign.

A million heat pumps

According to him, France must also develop “a competitive ecology” in particular by developing an industrial heat pump sector. France will have to produce “one million heat pumps” per year by the end of the five-year term, tripling the current level, as part of this ecological planning, which must also be a plan of “sovereignty” and “reindustrialization” according to him. “We have decided (…) to develop an industrial sector of heat pumps which is a formidable lever of substitution, much less consuming and emitting, to triple the production of heat pumps by 2027, and therefore to achieve produce a million heat pumps in our territory, while at the same time training 30,000 installers,” declared the President of the Republic.

Referring to an “ecology that creates economic value”, he underlined the need to “develop industrial sectors on our soil and to have a made in Europe strategy” to put an end to “our dependence” on fossil fuels, which he considered the price at “120 billion euros per year” for France.

On electricity costs, “we will regain control over our electricity prices at French and European level by the end of the year,” he promised.

The Head of State finally wants to move towards “an ecology that protects the French and nature”. “Our ecology is also a strategy for preserving our landscapes which constitute the deep identity of France,” he explained.

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