What are tonsilloliths and why do they cause bad breath?

by time news

2023-09-25 21:56:00

Los tonsilloliths in the tonsils They can not only cause halitosisthey also favor the development of tonsillitis infections. If you get sick very often, perhaps you have thought about removing them when it could be these hardened masses. Discover what are tonsilloliths and why they cause bad breath.

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What are tonsilloliths?

Los tonsillolitosalso known as tonsil stones, are stone formations that lodge in the tonsils (located at the bottom of the oral cavity). Their size varies, they can be almost imperceptible or so large that they cause discomfort in angina.

Las tonsils They help eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent infections in the body. However, in some cases, they can be a source of problems for children if they suffer from tonsillitis frequently, and that is when they are removed to avoid complications, although it can happen at any age.

Why are tonsilloliths formed?

Los tonsillolitos They are caused by a combination of calcium salts and other mineral salts that are released from food, bacteria or other debris that become trapped in the craters of the tonsils, forming a white or yellowish mass that hardens and turns into tonsilloliths or stones in the tonsils.

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In accordance with magazine information Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, tonsilloliths do not usually represent a health risk. However, you can suffer from bad breath which, on many occasions, harms your social environment. Furthermore, when they are too large, they cause pain and difficulty eating.

Believe it or not, situations that can go unnoticed greatly influence the appearance of tonsil stonesthe main reasons are:

Not brushing your teeth properly. Not cleaning your tongue after each meal. Accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. Smoking cigarettes without a filter.

Can identify tonsil stones if you detect bad breath, a feeling that you have something stuck in your throat, pain and difficulty when eating, inflammation of tonsils, infection, redness and even irritation.

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How to avoid tonsilloliths in the tonsils?

For avoid tonsilloliths in the tonsils, it is best to reduce your intake of acidic or very fatty foods. Here are some tips:

Brush your teeth and tongue well, use mouthwash and floss. Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist; In this way, you reduce the accumulation of material in the tonsils. Treat infections in the throat in time to prevent bacteria from proliferating in tonsils.

Without a doubt, these measures will reduce the presence of tonsillolitos undesirables in your mouth and will prevent bad breath.

How to remove tonsilloliths in the tonsils?

If you like remove tonsilloliths on the tonsils, You can gargle with warm salt water to loosen the stones in tonsils easily. Do it several times a day, and you will notice that they come off without having to put any foreign object in your mouth.

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On the other hand, some people may expel tonsil stones applying light pressure to the tonsils, using a cotton swab or a clean finger as a tool.

You already know, the tonsillolitos could be to blame for bad breath. Make sure you don’t have them in your tonsils and take good care of yourself.

If you are interested in knowing what causes bad body odor or halitosisstay to watch the next video.

#tonsilloliths #bad #breath

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