by time news

2023-09-25 21:23:43

After the bad defeat on Thursday, when we could have turned the game around, I still watched some games in the round, and the final of the Copa do Brasil.

There are those who defend the end of running points due to the movement that is a championship final, and, myself included, who criticize many endings in a single game.

In the Copa do Brasil, we had the much talked about final in two games, which managed to be talked about more due to the price of tickets at exorbitant prices than because of the football presented.

In fact, the football presented was what we saw least in both games. Flamengo, full of highly paid stars, is a semblance of a team, without any collective game to approach or build plays. It is entirely based on individual plays to obtain some personal gain and advantage over the defense, and the construction of a play so that Bruno Henrique is alone against the marker does not even exist.

I don’t know if it’s attributable to the coach, or the locker room catching fire also because of the coach, but it’s a fact that Flamengo didn’t play anything, especially in the defensive aspect, in the two games.

And both games left a lot to be desired in terms of quality. For those who criticize the end in just one game, mainly because neither team risks much, what we saw in both games was neither team risking anything.

SP was organized to score, in the first game, they scored and simply, and dangerously, saw Flamengo unable to create anything, except individual flashes.

In the second game, SP followed the same playbook, seeing Fla trying to create plays, and failing, and attacking few times, safely. Fla’s goal came from an individual dribble that allowed Fla’s players to arrive in line in the SP area, and Bruno Henrique had the luck of a good player who observes the offside line, scoring the goal on the rebound.

The equalizer came via a plastic goal, a shot that was difficult to hit and didn’t hit anyone in the populated area after the dead ball.

The second half saw frustrated attempts by both teams, and SP emerged champion, with Dorival, the coach who Fla understood as not having the competitiveness to compete for titles with Flamengo.

Overall, there is the feeling that we could be in the final, even with the reserve team, if they played what they have played in the last few games, but there is no point in crying over spilled whiskey.

The other games showed nothing different from last week, with Palmeiras only insisting on the aerial ball, but Atlético Mineiro was a little more organized and objective than a few weeks ago.

As I mentioned in Pacheco’s post, even with a bitter defeat, Inter, with the reserves, showed a more objective type of game too, with faster and more vertical passing, and I hope they continue to improve.


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