Cybersecurity and the regulation of artificial intelligence, under debate

by time news

2023-09-26 19:49:40

Several experts in artificial intelligence (AI) met yesterday in Zaragoza to debate the present and future of regulation and cybersecurity around this revolutionary technology. «Companies have an enormous responsibility, since regulation usually lags behind the advancement of these disruptive technologies. At Telefónica we have had principles for the use of AI since 2018,” he says. Elena Gil Lizasoain, director of AI and big data at Telefónica Tech during the twelfth Vocento Next Spain forum in Zaragoza.

The day was inaugurated by the mayor of the city, Natalia Chueca, who highlighted his administration’s efforts to digitize some public services. Among other projects, Chueca plans to launch a generative AI service based on ChatGPT to help Zaragoza residents obtain local information or carry out administrative procedures. “We seek to modernize City Hall services to adapt them to the provision of services digitally,” explained the mayor.

Francisco Hortigüela, CEO of INBusiness 5.0, gave an inspiring presentation in which he talked about the importance of learning to use AI tools. «The risk is not that an AI will take your job, but rather not training. The risk is that someone else who has been trained will take your job,” said Hortigüela at the event that has Telefónica as a Global Partner, with Santander and Universae as Official Partners and with the collaboration of the Zaragoza City Council.

In relation to the regulation for AI approved by the European Parliament, Esther Checa Gutiérrez, director of innovation at T2Ó, proposed approaching the new regulation from an ethical framework. «Large companies have to work from the ethical side of AI, because they develop the models that people are going to use,” he said.

For its part, Manuel J. Gazapo Lapayese, director of Institutional Relations at Universae, was in favor of the regulation of AI, but above all of seeking action frameworks that guarantee the verification of the information presented by these tools. “Europe is the only international actor that adopts new technology, but demands its regulation,” said Gazapo Lapayese.

Regarding security issues, the four speakers at the round table «The great challenges of AI: Inclusion, ethics and cybersecurity», moderated by journalist Juan Carlos Fernández Galindo, They also expressed concern that these tools could delve into existing problems such as misinformation through systems such as ‘deepfakes’, a human image synthesis technique based on artificial intelligence. «Misinformation, one of the great problems of our society, “may be fueled in the future by ‘deepfakes,'” he said. Paula Ortiz, lawyer and executive advisor expert in digital regulation and public policies. To counteract this situation, Gonzalo Perán Pérez, Aiuken’s CTO also expressed support for children starting to learn from the earliest stages how these tools work.

The day was followed by a second panel titled “More than a century of AI, from algorithms to chatbots”, moderated by Alberto Velázquez, journalist and ABC collaborator. This dialogue table was started Jose Carrancejaexpert in data strategy and AI, speaking about the opportunities that this new technology brings, but the historical reluctance of human beings to adapt to change. Ludi Garcia, head of Iberia at Marco Comunicación, explained the case of an edition of the magazine ‘Executives’ that was initially written by an AI, including interviews with historical figures. This experiment, she explained, demonstrated the need for humans to correct AI’s stylistic errors, but also to editorialize and make sense of the magazine, tasks that technology cannot do.

Finally, Gil Lizasoain, of Telefónica Tech, explained that for the development of AI solutions they are hiring specialists not only with experience in data, but also with knowledge in sociology, linguistics or medicine. The event was closed by Carlos Gimeno, Minister of Economy, Digital Transformation and Transparency of the Zaragoza City Council.

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