Georgiadis: In the factories “they will fight over who will go on Sunday”

by time news

2023-09-26 18:38:15

In the provisions and in what the new provides labor bill which was approved by the Parliament, the Minister of Labor mentioned, Adonis Georgiadeswhile responding to the criticisms he receives.

In an interview with the SKAI television station, Mr. Georgiadis commented on the publications that accuse the provisions of the bill of encroaching on the eight-hour period, underlining that “no eight hours have changed”.

“What has been done is that in the European directive it is defined that it is the right of the employee when he has finished his work for his main employer, if he wishes, to make a contract with another employer and he has no right for the main employer to prevent him. What we instituted, in the directive it is written as an employee’s right. In Greece it was presented as a thirteen-hour”write down.

“An employer cannot abuse this law to avoid paying overtime. We have foreseen this in the explanatory report and a special circular will also be issued. Any company connected in any way is prohibited”he added.

Asked about its possibility Sunday employment of workers in certain industries, the Minister of Labor said that the bill increases the income of workers. “As we speak today, if someone works extra on Sunday, they get a plus 75%, whereas with the new law he will get a total of 115%” stressed Mr. Georgiadis, predicting that in the factories where the measure will be implemented, “they will fight over who will go on Sunday because people need to increase their incomes”.

For the new insurance bill, Adonis Georgiadis announced that he will present himself to the cabinet on Wednesday. “We have prepared with Mr. Tsakloglou some provisions that will allow us to automatically award thousands of supplementary pensions. If we have time we will do it in November. By the end of the year, perhaps more than half of the supplementary will have been paid”he estimated.

For the reason that the three-year “unfreeze” cannot have retroactive effect, the Minister of Labor stated that “if we were to allow what you say to exist, the 11 interim years of service would mean that those who have been employed in their jobs since then until today , they should automatically get on January 1, 2024, a 30% increase. Do you think that there are many private companies in Greece that would stand to give a horizontal 30% increase to their staff? In the long run they will give itbecause we set the three-year terms, so in nine years they will give 30%”.

Finally, Mr. Georgiadis did not fail to mention the new president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, for which he commented that New Democracy does not underestimate any of its political opponents. “I have no problem admitting it, he’s talented. Of course, his election, I won’t hide from you that it has created many questions for me about the real beliefs of the SYRIZA voters”, he said.

“Says Mr. Kasselakis, ‘I will change everything.’ Yes, yes. And “I will never betray you.” Tsipras has said that I will never betray you a thousand times, he is Tsipras with a new face. But ok, I’ll skip that, that’s fine, sounds good, fine. He says “I will change everything” and his first move is Polakis’ lawyer, Polakis’ right hand, and Mr. Nikos Pappas his left hand.added Mr. Georgiadis.

With information from APE-MPE

#Georgiadis #factories #fight #Sunday

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