Caring for Premature Babies at Esslingen Clinic: Advanced Medical Technology and Expert Team

by time news

2023-09-27 10:58:41
Premature Twins Receive Exceptional Care at Esslingen Clinic

At the Esslingen Clinic, even the tiniest premature babies are receiving exceptional care thanks to advanced medical technology and a dedicated team of experts. One such case involves twins Oskar and Emil, who were born 16 weeks prematurely at the end of the sixth month of pregnancy, or in the 24th week. At birth, Oskar weighed 560 grams, while Emil weighed only 490 grams. Both babies measured around 29 centimeters tall.

Currently, Oskar and Emil are being closely monitored with tubes and cables connected to their incubators. These devices display control values for oxygen saturation in the blood, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Despite their difficult start to life, Britta Brenner, a senior physician in neonatology at the Esslingen Clinic, shares positive news about the twins’ progress.

Four weeks after their birth, Oskar and Emil now weigh between 700 and 800 grams, thanks to the exceptional care provided by the perinatal center at the Esslingen Clinic. Dr. Brenner, along with her colleagues, is responsible for the medical care of premature babies. She explains that babies are no longer considered premature after week 37+0 of pregnancy. The lower limit of viability is at 24+0 weeks, and babies born between this range usually receive maximum care according to medical guidelines.

However, Dr. Brenner highlights a gray area between 22+0 and 24+0 weeks where decisions about therapy must be carefully made. After providing detailed information about the potential risks and consequences, and considering any identified health problems, the medical team collaborates with the parents to decide whether to pursue maximum medically possible or palliative therapy. Ultimately, the wishes of the parents are taken into account.

The story of Oskar and Emil exemplifies the exceptional care and dedication provided by the Esslingen Clinic. Premature babies like them are given the best chance at a healthy life through the use of advanced medical technology and a team of experts who prioritize individualized care. As Oskar and Emil continue to grow and develop, the Esslingen Clinic remains committed to providing them with the support and care they need.]
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