Shin Bet Exposes and Thwarts Iranian-backed Terrorist Infrastructure in Israel

by time news

Terrorist Infrastructure Exposed and Thwarted by Shin Bet, Israel Police and IDF

In a significant operation carried out by the Shin Bet, Israel Police, and the IDF, a terrorist infrastructure operated by Palestinian and Israeli Arab individuals has been exposed and thwarted. The group was operating in Israel and the Judea and Samaria region under the guidance of Iranian security officials with a sole objective of carrying out acts of terrorism to destabilize the State of Israel and undermine its citizens’ sense of security.

As part of the investigation into the matter, the Shin Bet apprehended five individuals for interrogations, including three Palestinians and two Israeli Arabs from the northern part of the country. The individuals have been identified as Hamad Hammadi, a 23-year-old resident of Nazareth, and Yosef Hammad, an 18-year-old resident of Mokibla.

During the investigation, it was discovered that Murad and Hassan, the Palestinian individuals, were acting under the direction of an official residing in Jordan. This official was operating on behalf of Iranian security forces and had assigned Murad and Hassan to smuggle illegal drugs into Israel and gather intelligence on prominent figures such as Minister Itamar Ben Gabir and former Knesset member Yehuda Glick. However, due to the tight security measures surrounding the minister, the individuals were unable to accomplish their assigned tasks.

Furthermore, the investigation revealed that Murad and Hassan were also involved in promoting terrorist activities within Israeli territories. They were responsible for setting fire to vehicles belonging to Israeli citizens. It was also uncovered that Ziad Shanti was recruited by Murad and Hassan to assist in these security operations, fully aware of the Iranian elements orchestrating the activities.

In a concerning turn of events, Hamad Hamadi and Youssef Hamad, Israeli citizens, were recruited by one of the activists to set fire to vehicles. The duo successfully carried out an arson attack in Haifa earlier this year and documented the act on video. The Shin Bet suspects that this was a test mission aimed at promoting more serious terrorist activities in the future. Thankfully, the arrest of the infrastructure members thwarted these intentions.

“The investigation has exposed the Iranian modus operandi of using Israeli citizens, including those with a criminal background, to promote criminal platforms in exchange for financial compensation,” stated a Shin Bet official. “This incident further underscores Iran’s increasing efforts to undermine security, social cohesion, and political stability in Israel by recruiting Israeli and Palestinian citizens for criminal and security-related activities.”

Following recent developments, indictments have been filed against the involved individuals in both the military court and the district court in Haifa. The Haifa District Attorney’s Office (Criminal) has attributed serious security offenses to them.

In response to the operation, the Shin Bet and the police released a joint statement: “The General Security Service and the Israel Police consider the involvement of Israeli citizens in security activities directed by Iran and its affiliates as extremely serious. The General Security Service will continuously carry out active measures to monitor and thwart any activity that poses a threat to the security of the State of Israel and its citizens. We will work tirelessly to expose and dismantle Iranian terrorist activities within Israel’s borders and ensure that the perpetrators face the full force of justice.”

This recent operation highlights the relentless efforts by the Israeli security forces to counter terrorist threats and safeguard the peace and security of the State of Israel and its citizens.

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