Telleldín: “A lawyer who is with Bullrich did not agree to defend Sabag Montiel”

by time news

2023-09-27 18:53:43

Carlos Telleldinlawyer of Brenda Uliarte, highlighted the importance of his client’s statement, since he considered that there are strange handlings in the case. “Whatever happens to Mr. Milman I’m not interested, the complaint or the prosecutor will ask for that,” he said about the opposition deputy for the attempted assassination of the Vice President in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV, Radio Profile (AM 1190) y Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1).

Taking into account that you were accused of being the deliverer of the car bomb that was used in the terrorist attack on the Jewish mutual AMIA, could you give us an update on the case?

I am a lawyer, I graduated in prison, I won two trials against the State, I was acquitted in both, in the second case it was confirmed by Cassation in 2006, and I won seven million dollars from the State for reasonable times, 29 years old prosecuted in a false case, the AMIA case.

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A totally false cause and put together by various sectors, not only from Justice but from a lot of sectors that put together a cause adjusted to what they wanted: to have an active memory.

After, about Brenda Uliarte, His father summoned me about 12 months ago. And I, for work reasons, couldn’t, because I have a lot of work. I have a studio in Santa Fe, we have a lot of people from Los Monos, and we have studios in Calafate and Río Gallegos.

Do you defend Los Monos?

Exactly, we have many people linked to The monkeysthe whole issue of drug trafficking, hitmen, we have all that in the Santa Fe studio.

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In Río Gallegos we have many drug cases, which have to do with trafficking and some important causes for the province, such as the Maillo case two years ago.

Now we have the case of Cristina Kirchner’s secretary, of Fabian Gutierrezwe are in defense of Facundo Zaeta, we had the two brothers, one was acquitted and the other goes to trial in March. So for work reasons we couldn’t take it earlier.

Then my studio in San Miguel met and decided to take it. We took it on a Friday and on Monday the judge took us to trial, so Our participation was to elevate the causetalk to her so that she can make a statement, because she had not stated or given her point of view on what interested me.

In other words, the investigation is an act of defense and he did not exercise it, and I needed him to do so.

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When it is high it is complicated because the person responsible for proving what the accused is going to say is the prosecution, it is called evacuating appointments, and we had to analyze the entire file, see all the evidence, give an overview, and yesterday the Doctor Mansilla, who is my partner, raised the statement from her to the Lex-Doctor, since it is now all digital.

Did Uliarte know that his partner had a weapon with him during the mobilization? In that case, why didn’t she seek help to stop it?

All political or impact causes always have a VAT higher than 21%. In this case that happens, if she does not make an essential previous contribution, she is not a necessary participant. She never took seriously that he was going to do much so that the photos that appear in magazines are with toy weapons.

Us we have many tests, which when elevating they cut our hands, and now I have to do it in the supplementary, but there are many WhatsApp whose name was changed, that is, they were from “Agustina” (Díaz) and they gave her the name “Brenda “. But when you look for the number, it is “Agustina’s.”

Brenda Uliarte’s complete statement: she detached herself from Sabag Montiel and mentioned Milman

They did things like that, I don’t know why, we don’t know who did it either because it’s not explained, and If she does not explain it in an investigation, the judges and prosecutors do not know what to look for. Thats the big problem.

Now You have to declare and clarify all the pointsto make it easier for the prosecutor’s office to investigate what she says and for us to request a reclassification later.

Is there anything you went through that makes you especially adept at causes that have political connotations?

I don’t know, we can spend half an hour. I had the cause of the theft of the radars, the massacre in La Plata, a number of causes.

Let’s add to that, which has a lot of causes that have political connotations. Do you think they are looking for you because you went through “hell” and are a specialist in what is “on the other side”?

I know the prison, I was unjustly detained for 10 years. The detainees identify themselves, they trust me more.

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At this moment I have a good financial situation, I don’t need to work for money, but suddenly They trust because most lawyers can make them a promise, and we don’t promise.we promise our work and our work record, and we have a number of important people.

So, the work is my team, I am not alone, we are nine lawyers and they all work with me, and our work is serious, we give results.

Normally we have a collection schedule, which is an advance and then, depending on the result we achieve, we collect.

Do you psychoanalyze yourself?


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Did you reflect on whether that passage through “hell2” ended up being positive in your life?

Some judges see me like that, like I am resocialization of 24,660, and they say “this guy was rehabilitated,” but if one thinks that I was innocent, and I did not commit the crimes they accused me of, and I won two trials with six judges, there is no doubt of my innocence.

After that, one may think that They pity me for the hell I lived through or they see me as the resocialization built in Law 24,660.

I have a family and I lost it, for ten years I did not raise my children, I practically had no relationship. A daughter of mine was the manager of the San Luis Casino for 15 years and is now an accountant in Miami, and I have a son who is a lawyer and works in a very important company. They are my children, but prison makes us lose affection.

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Does your own experience make you feel any remorse about defending someone guilty? Do you prefer to defend people who are innocent? Or do you have any degree of distance in defending someone you believe guilty?

At Los Monos, as lawyers we defend the few rights, it is not that by taking the case we are acquitted.

We had a qualified homicide in Río Gallegos, a family that murdered the father, and they were sentenced to life. We gave the best defense, and I think it was my best oral trial. We look after the rights that remain.

Even if he is guilty?

If he is guilty, we analyze it. We do not touch on causes of abuse, for example. In the case of Santa Fe and Los Monos we have Yiyo Ramallo, who defended us, I closed several cases against him, but he is convicted. A 36-year-old boy who has a 25-year sentence. They were unifying sentences and he is still detained. Of course, one day he will come out, but not immediately.

On the issue of drug trafficking we had many causes in Santa Fe and Rosariowhich is marketing with very good results, but working from the file and with proof.

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Claudio Mardones (CM): Brenda Uliarte suggests that Gerardo Milman paid several people in exchange for participating in demonstrations to generate riots and violence. What are her expectations regarding Milman based on this statement from her client?

As her defense, the important thing is that she testify in her entirety to be prepared to face the oral trial, what happens to the lord Milman I’m not interested, that will be requested by the complaint or the prosecutor. I am in the position Defensivemy intention in this case is that they give him what is due, if it is a cover-up, it is a cover-up.

The cause is very great, has many files. We read it completely, Dr. Mansilla studied it impressively.

CM: How many bodies does it have?

There are 17 on the one hand, but then you have many annexes, reserved annexes that have just been released for me recently. So it’s impressively big.

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Now, if you unify the main one with the annexes and the investigative judge continues the elevation with files, then It is a voluminous, large cause and the important thing for the defense is to achieve a concealmentthat is the goal we had when we took it.

Primary participation or co-authorship has to be essential, and before, not after.

CM: In that context, what would have been the role of Milman?

I don’t know. She declares, and I made it public when she told me, that money came from an organization or somewhere to pay a “changa” to everyone who expressed what they said. When this ended, they never spoke again because it was never paid again, and I was interested in having you declare this, but not only that but everything.

For example There are WhatsApps that are not hers but Agustina Díaz’sthe girl who came out, and I told her that she had to have declared that because the prosecutor’s office doesn’t know, and if she doesn’t clarify it, they will never know.

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That happened with several WhatsApp screenshots that are in the case, and those conversations were between Sabag Montiel with Agustina Díaz. I have to make all these points clear, these and many more.

Alexander Gomel (AG): What Brenda stated ties the link between “The Copitos and Sabag Montiel, who fired the gun, when until now it was said that they were two separate things. Is she clear about the relationship?

Yes, she is clear. Likewise, I think she a month ago, Sabag Montiel He presented a document requesting a private lawyer and he is one of the PRO, Bullrich’s right hand man, and the judge called him, because when the lawyer was notified he said that he would not take the defense under any point of view. That is to say, A lawyer who is with Patricia Bullrich did not agree to defend Fernando Sabag Montiel.

At this moment we have 300 cases in progress and none of them appoint me if the family does not speak first or we speak with them, because later we have to take charge, and if someone sends me a design and I do not take it, it means that I do not He spoke to me, and this is what he did.

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He sent a note requesting that a lawyer be assigned to him and the lawyer was from PROand those are strange things in the case, it is like they left him alone, they cut off the financing that they had initially given him and now problems are beginning to arise.

AG: So Sabag Montiel is being defended by PRO lawyers?

No, he asked but the lawyer, well known, did not accept the positionand the judge summoned him to Court to explain why he is appointing that lawyer.


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