Donald Trump goes for the workers’ vote in Michigan

by time news

2023-09-28 11:42:44

The race for the blue-collar vote for candidates in the 2024 US presidential election is underway, as the strike in the US auto industry continues. After Joe Biden on Tuesday, Donald Trump was in Michigan on Wednesday, September 27. And he attacked his successor.

First modification: 09/28/2023 – 11:42

2 min

With RFI Washington correspondent Guillaume Naudin

87 seconds is how long Joe Biden spoke to striking auto workers. Donald Trump, for his part, did not visit any picket lines. The unionists clearly did not want him there. Instead, he chose to speak for more than an hour in a parts factory where there are no unions.

Electric vehicles

The former president of the United States attacked his successor in the White House. “Con Joe puts China, Mexico, Ukraine, Europe and Asia, illegal aliens and environmental nutcases first. He puts everyone else first, but America and our workers come next. I always put America first,” said Donald Trump .

The Biden administration’s measures to transition to electric cars were the focus of the attacks. According to Donald Trump, these measures will destroy the domestic automobile industry. “By most estimates, with Biden’s mandatory electric vehicles, 40% of American auto jobs will disappear. Think about it: in a year or two. That’s what they should be talking about, not their $X an hour “It doesn’t matter what you make per hour. Do me a favor, get your union members, your leaders, to support me,” Trump said. But it will be difficult: while the head of the sector’s union does not formally support Joe Biden, he does not even want to talk to Donald Trump.

Win the worker vote

“On the whole, the labor vote has been largely forgotten in recent decades. It has been one of the pillars of the Democratic vote since the New Deal, so since the 1930s, the Democratic coalition has been based in part on the vote. worker. But with deindustrialization, the Democratic Party has tended to favor the minority vote to the detriment of the worker vote. Since Ronald Reagan, the worker vote has increasingly opted for the Republicans, it was not Donald Trump who invented this.” , explains Lauric Henneton, professor at Versa University.

“Democrats recently realized that their support among their most popular constituency in recent years or decades, minorities, was tending to erode a little bit, especially among black men and also Hispanic men. So for Democrats it’s It is really vital to compensate for these losses among minorities by recovering their traditional working-class electorate,” the academic emphasizes.

#Donald #Trump #workers #vote #Michigan

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