Benin’s competitiveness in the face of exogenous shocks

by time news

2023-09-25 23:41:15

Decryptions and proposals from LLOG Advisory, T-Ventures and DG Consulting
The firms LLOG Advisory, T-Ventures and DG Consulting organized on Saturday September 23, 2023 in Cotonou, a private seminar which brought together senior leaders and institutional executives in Benin. Called Privilege Breakfast, this first edition was an opportunity to discuss with the participants the competitiveness of Benin in the face of exogenous shocks, internal challenges in particular those linked to industrialization and household finance. It was in the presence of various actors from the public and private sector.
Bidossessi WANOU
Benin facing exogenous shocks: competitiveness & internal challenges. This is the central theme of this genesis edition of the “Privilege Breakfast” in Cotonou. During this first edition of the seminar, three presentations were made, namely: Global macroeconomic perspectives and those of Benin, Financial behavior of households and implications on consumption and savings then, Industrialization and transfer of skills. The presentation was respectively given by Béringer Gloglo, economist and Founder of LLOG Advisory, Yacine Bio-Tchané Economist, Managing Director of T-Ventures and Djèmessi Gloglo, engineer, managing partner DG Consulting. According to the organizers, these workshops aim to “inform the leaders of private and public entities about the challenges of the global economy and carry out sectoral disaggregation, infer short and medium term perspectives, conduct debates and scientific reflections rigorous and propose possible solutions to case studies and finally, share the perceptions, needs and aspirations of Beninese households and consumers. Ultimately, the organizers intend to “achieve sustainable interconnections”. The discussions will be the subject of a white paper which will be made available to stakeholders. Member of the organizing committee and presenter, Djèmessi Gloglo said he was satisfied with the interest of the actors present at this seminar. This will help support economic development efforts in various sectors in Benin. “Overall, everyone was satisfied. It was good moments of discussion. Each of the participants was aware of the situation even before this session. Our intervention therefore only came to confirm what is known to all. It’s satisfying because we’re all on the same wavelength. As you know, we can only treat a sick person if he himself recognizes his illness. We all know what we are suffering from and I believe that in the future or the next sessions, we will be able to find solutions together or see in which direction to go to move forward on the common objective. It is a success “. The idea, he confided, is to highlight what is being done elsewhere, make diagnoses locally and see how to remedy it. Technical advisor to industry to the Minister of Industry and Trade, Acting Director of Industrial Development, Elie Santos took part in this session and greeted the initiators who are keen to see Benin doing better. “The initiative of this session is very laudable and to be encouraged. I congratulate the initiators who mobilized us around themes that concern the economic development of our country. I remain confident that we will be able, by contributing to what they have initiated, we will obtain very beneficial results for the country,” testified the Acting Director.
Legend: Béringer Gloglo, Yacine Bio-Tchané and Djèmessi Gloglo

QA September 25, 2023

#Benins #competitiveness #face #exogenous #shocks

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