The Impact of Breast Cancer on Sexuality: Insights from an Expert

by time news

2023-09-28 12:49:42
Title: The Impact of Breast Cancer on Sexuality: A Discussion with Urologist-Sexologist Henk Elzevier

Subtitle: Exploring the Physical and Emotional Effects and Ways to Cope

Breast cancer not only threatens the physical health and emotional well-being of individuals affected by it, but it can also greatly impact their sexuality. However, discussions on this topic often remain overlooked in the consulting room. Urologist-sexologist and chairman of the Sick and Sex Foundation, Henk Elzevier, has dedicated years to raising awareness among healthcare providers about the sexual problems faced by breast cancer patients. In an exclusive interview, we spoke to him about the influence of breast cancer on sexuality and discovered ways to cope with its effects.

How does breast cancer affect one’s sexuality?

Those diagnosed with breast cancer often find themselves in the survival phase, which demands enormous energy. Dealing with the physical and psychological consequences, such as the altered self-image resulting from breast surgery or amputation, can present significant challenges. Additional factors like hair loss due to chemotherapy further complicate intimacy, and how partners navigate these changes also plays a crucial role.

Accepting and adapting to the changes in one’s body takes time, both for the breast cancer patient and their partner. Breast reconstruction may offer hope of resembling the old breast to some extent, but it is important to acknowledge that things will never be exactly the same. Challenges may arise regarding self-perception and reentering the dating scene, with individuals struggling to see themselves beyond being a breast cancer patient.

What are the physical side effects of breast cancer on sexuality?

The impact on sexuality can vary depending on the type of therapy received. Chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal treatments, or immunotherapy can thoroughly disrupt the body. Hormonal treatments may lead to a loss of sex drive and immediate menopause. Other physical side effects may include changes in vaginal sensation, dryness of mucous membranes, vaginal bleeding, fungal infections, and temporarily compromised orgasmic function due to nervous system damage. Additionally, radiation therapy can make physical touch from a partner feel uncomfortable.

Can one regain enjoyment of sex after breast cancer?

Research indicates that during treatment, half of women with breast cancer experience a decrease in sexual desire and an increased need for intimacy. Yet, there is often no cause for concern, as the sex drive gradually returns. However, patients on hormonal treatments may find it more challenging to reestablish sexual intimacy. Overcoming the reluctance to engage in sexual activities without feeling desire may seem counterintuitive, but setting aside time and making the effort to rekindle that desire is essential. For individuals looking to reignite the flame between the sheets, an article with 5 important tips for intimacy after breast cancer is available.

Breast cancer brings numerous challenges, with the impact on sexuality being one of the lesser-known aspects. By shedding light on this topic and initiating conversations, experts like Henk Elzevier hope to help healthcare providers better support their patients in dealing with the multifaceted effects of breast cancer. Recognizing the physical and emotional toll it takes, while providing guidance on coping strategies, can contribute significantly to the overall well-being and quality of life for those affected.

Remember, the journey to recovery extends beyond physical healing, encompassing emotional and sexual well-being as well.]
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