Social Democrats’ Leader Calls for New Measures in Fight Against Gang Crime in Stockholm

by time news

Title: Social Democrats’ Party Leader Demands Stronger Measures Against Gang Crime in Stockholm

Subtitle: Proposal to Deploy Military Assistance in Policing Faces Opposition

In response to the recent surge in gang violence in the Stockholm area, Magdalena Andersson, the party leader of the Social Democrats, is urging the government to implement new measures to combat the escalating problem. Speaking to Aftonbladet, Andersson stressed the urgency of the situation and called for swift action.

“This is not Sweden, this is not how we should have it in Sweden,” Andersson emphasized, asserting that the government needs to prioritize the issue at hand rather than being bound by the Tidö agreement. She suggested exploring changes in the law that would allow the Armed Forces to assist the police beyond their current role in transportation.

Andersson proposed that military personnel could conduct surveillance operations currently carried out by the police. She also highlighted the technical expertise possessed by the military that could be utilized to aid in combating gang crime.

Furthermore, Andersson urged Sweden to seek support from neighboring countries in tackling the growing gang problem, emphasizing the need for international cooperation in dealing with cross-border criminal activities.

However, Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M) denied the possibility of deploying the military against the gangs. He stated that there are currently no such plans and deferred to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer regarding law enforcement matters. Jonson clarified that the existing cooperation between the Armed Forces and the police only pertains to provisions in the event of a terrorist attack.

It’s worth noting that the proposal to involve the military in supporting the police against gang crime is not new. In 2018, former Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, from the same party as Andersson, mentioned the possibility after it was initially raised by Jimmie Åkesson, the leader of the Sweden Democrats (SD), during a party leader debate. Åkesson has consistently advocated for the military’s involvement and recently reiterated his suggestion.

Åkesson proposed the establishment of military police and the reestablishment of emergency police units to strengthen surveillance and allow the police to have a greater presence in high-crime areas. His proposal also aimed to optimize the use of military resources in collaboration with the police.

The debate surrounding the role of the military in combating gang crime continues. It remains to be seen if the government will consider the proposal put forth by Magdalena Andersson and Jimmie Åkesson to address the increased violence in the Stockholm area.

[Note: This article is an adaptation of the original content from the provided source.]

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