the 2023 amending finance bill adopted by the CNT – Information in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-09-27 21:50:43

During a plenary held this Tuesday, September 26, 2023 in the hemicycle of the People’s Palace, headquarters of the National Transition Council (CNT), the national advisors examined and unanimously adopted the report on the expenditure and of the amending finance bill for the 2023 financial year.

According to the General Rapporteur, Honorable Fatima CAMARA, after examination and adoption of the revenue part of the draft Amending Finance Law 2023 by the National Council of the Transition during its plenary of September 19, 2023, the examination of the expenditure component will be takes place in Commissions and inter-committees from September 20 to 25, 2023 with the effective participation of Ministers and executives of ministerial departments and other Institutions.

“These sessions focused mainly on the analysis of the execution at the end of June of the expenditure of the initial finance law (LFI) 2023, it being understood that the objective is to identify and discuss approaches to solutions to overcome to the difficulties encountered by the various ministries and institutions. Following these debates, state expenditure is reassessed at 37,249.45 billion compared to an initial forecast of 36,106.74 billion, an increase of 1,142.70 billion (3.16%). she indicated.

According to the advisor, the overall analysis of this budget shows that it is mainly driven by: “the increase in mining revenues due to the setting of a reference price for bauxite in connection with all the measures of ongoing modernization in the mining sector; the continuation of reforms of public enterprises in accordance with Law 056; the digitalization of the process of collecting taxes and fees; the dynamism of commercial activity; the expected trend in the telecommunications sector; the increase in social spending, particularly for the most vulnerable groups; Furthermore, the Committee on Planning, Financial Affairs and Budgetary Control expresses its satisfaction with the effort made by the authorities to increase the level of domestic revenue mobilized, resulting in an increase of approximately 27% between budgetary years. 2020 and 2022 despite the losses criticized in the report on the revenue side; the allocation of budgetary credits in favor of recently decentralized services, as well as the measures taken this year to guarantee their diligent execution through complete regulation of the credits concerned; continuing efforts to control the subsidy allocated to the energy sector; compliance with the convergence criteria, in particular that which limits personnel expenditure to less than 35% of tax revenue, which makes it possible to free up sufficient budgetary space to finance investment projects with high added value.

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