The Social Security letter that may reach some self-employed workers

by time news

2023-09-29 00:05:43

Friday, September 29, 2023, 00:05


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For days, many self-employed workers have been receiving a letter from the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) urging them to communicate the data relating to their economic activity before October 31. The self-employed workers affected by this communication are above all corporate workers, but also TRADE workers (economically dependent), registered professionals and self-employed workers with dependent collaborators.

This obligation is given by the modification – via Royal Decree 504/2022 – of the general regulation on company registration, affiliation, registrations, cancellations and variations in data of Social Security workers.

The new regulations determine that, both for new registrations in the RETA and for the self-employed who already appear in the system on the date of entry into force of the royal decree – January 2, 2023 – there is an obligation to communicate to the TGSS a series of data, depending on the group to which they belong:

-Self-employed companies: company name and tax identification number of the companies or communities of property of which they are part. And, in the case of those who are directors, administrators, or provide other services for the company, they must communicate their percentage of participation in the share capital.

-TRADE self-employed: tax identification number of the client on whom they depend financially.

-Registered self-employed: the professional association in which they are registered.

-Self-employed with collaborators in their charge. Name, surname and DNI number (or equivalent) of the self-employed person in whose economic or professional activity the spouse or relatives work regularly, without being considered employees.

The letter also explains that the self-employed person who is part of “two or more collective legal entities” (communities of property, civil partnerships, collective partnerships, cooperatives, corporations, etc.) must report “as many different activities as there are communities.” of assets or legal entities of which it is a part, provided that said circumstance determines its registration in the RETA.

New quotation system

From the communication department of Social Security they explain that the mandatory communication “arises from the information needs” that it requires “for the management of the new contribution system for the self-employed.”

The sole transitional provision of the Royal Decree specifies that this information must be provided “by electronic means to the General Treasury of Social Security, within a period that will end on October 31.”

According to Social Security, these data “can be communicated by the workers themselves through the services of the Import@ss portal or through their RED authorized persons, through the RED system. For this reason, letters have been sent to the affected self-employed workers and all kinds of talks and meetings have been held and work groups have been created with social graduates who act as RED authorized persons.

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