“I’m apparently desirable for TV.”

by time news

2023-09-29 13:08:46

The actress, wonderful in a fiction on incest broadcast Monday on TF1, persists in thinking that her homosexuality blocked her path to cinema.

While, a fortnight ago, she affirmed that actors who came out were ostracized in the cinema, Muriel Robin indicated, Friday September 29, to relate “His life”. Accustomed, on the other hand, to strong roles on television Muriel Robin, who played Jacqueline Sauvage to denounce domestic violence or even, a woman struck by Alzheimer’s disease, returns on Monday October 2 at 9:10 p.m. on TF1 for a fiction on the subject of incest “Eyes wide closed”. She plays a mother and grandmother faced with a difficult choice: to denounce her own child or protect her grandson.

franceinfo: First of all, what is the news on the state of health of Pierre Arditi with whom you play in the play Lapland at the Théâtre Edouard VII in Paris and who felt unwell on Wednesday evening on stage?

Muriel Robin : He is doing very well. It was vagal discomfort. Nothing serious. I spent a lot of time with him, two nights. He came home and wanted to play the next day, I told him it was me who needed the rest! So let’s start again next Wednesday!

After playing Jacqueline Sauvage, victim of domestic violence, you once again bring a very strong subject to fiction Eyes wide closed. It’s incest. You play the role of a mother and a grandmother. Tell us.

It’s a thriller, but with difficult subject matter. Why should you see it? I would almost say that it is educational. She’s a grandmother… If her son perhaps did horrible things to her grandson, she must denounce him. But can a mother put her son in prison? If she lets it pass, she abandons her grandson who will be in this solitude, this distress, this suffering, this horror and alone, as are between four and six million children in France. Three children out of a class of 30 are victims of incest. One in five girls is a victim of incest, one in 12 boys is a victim of incest. I discovered these figures, I say them every time, for shock effect, obviously. And the film talks about the fact that it happens to everyone, it’s not a question of social background. Obviously the dad is not a bad dad who we are afraid of and who we should be wary of. The dad or the cousin, or the big brother or the wonderful uncle, he is a protective, charming man and then at one point, something horrible happens.

Did you know this subject before making this fiction?

No way. It’s exactly like the domestic violence with Jacqueline Sauvage, I had a realization. And there, I feel like I’m experiencing the same thing again. That is to say, we all discover figures that concern children! Horrifying figures because if we spend tomorrow, you, me, in front of a class of 30 children, we will know that there are three in this class who are incest and we will continue to live. I would like families to talk about it first. Do we watch with our children? I think you have to watch it with children because there is what you have to do afterwards, once the horror has happened, but there is also perhaps what you can do before in education.

“It is parents who can tell children, even at a young age, what incest is. We must be able to ask ourselves: Does this happen in our home?”

Muriel Robin, actress and comedian

at franceinfo

If this happens, it’s a dark side of the person doing this. Let’s talk to the children to explain to them what it is or let’s talk after the film so they can ask us questions. That’s why I’m talking about a somewhat educational film.

Do you only want to do roles from this register from now on?

Doing roles that serve no purpose, that only talk about me or a nice story, I don’t know how to do very well.

You did it for years on stage!

It’s something else, it’s making people laugh. I’m changing because in the fall there’s a series called Master Crime on TF1 and which has no serious subject. That being said, I like difficult subjects, I like that it can move us forward a little, humbly move the lines.

Recently, you said that you didn’t make films because of your homosexuality. How do you explain that television gives you roles as women with a lover, with a man, with children?

I launch something, I say my experience and no one can take it back. Let’s say there are 50 comedies filmed a year, over 30 years, that’s 1,500. I’m only present in two. Both times, it was Christian Clavier who asked me. So, by dint of questioning, there is an obvious answer. On television, they don’t have this problem. So, am I desirable for TV? I do not know ! I’ve done five TV movies, so it’s not every day either, but for TV I’m apparently desirable.

Watch this interview on video:

#apparently #desirable

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