These chemicals make us fat and they are everywhere

by time news

2023-09-29 15:43:00

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When we hear the words “obesity” or “overweight,” we automatically think of unhealthy food and, at most, a sedentary lifestyle. But there is another factor as little known as it is omnipresent that may be causing us weight gain despite leading a healthy life.

Do you know what a calorie is? -Bill Bryson

Because in recent years it has been shown that certain chemical compounds present in the environment can also play a role in the development of overweight or obesity in the population. Called obesogens, they produce an increase in the mass of white adipose tissue or fat mass just by exposing ourselves to them through ingestion (diet), by contact or by inhalation of contaminated air.

Today, around 50 chemicals have been classified as obesogenic or potential obesogenic. Among them are the famous bisphenol A, polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances, parabens, acrylamide, alkylphenols, dibutyltin or some heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic. They are part of many products that we use daily. (detergents, food, plastic containers, clothing, cosmetics…), which makes it difficult to evade its effects.

Alterations in adipose tissue, hormones and microbiota

And how do they make us fat? In reality, these substances do not cause obesity by themselves, but rather promote excess weight through different mechanisms. For example, they promote the proliferation and differentiation of adipocytes. In other words, increase the number and size of those cells responsible for accumulating fat.

Such an increase in white adipose tissue can contribute to obesity and related metabolic diseases through inflammation and oxidative stress reactions, which in turn can cause the accumulation of glucose and fatty acids in various organs, especially the liver.

In addition it has been observed that exposure to obesogenic substances can alter the action of hormones –such as sexual or thyroid– related to the differentiation of adipose cells, weight gain and metabolism.

The microbiota revolution

And if that were not enough, the microbiota intestinal It can also be affected by the action of these compounds. We are talking about millions of bacteria that regulate the absorption of lipids, among other functions, so their deterioration can cause metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes or obesity.

The effect of obesogens before birth

The potential effects of obesogens vary depending on when exposure occurs. The most vulnerable phases are the earliest phases of life: the fetal stage and early childhood, when development is very rapid and coordinated. Therefore, the alteration of this very sensitive process can have an impact on our long-term health.

This is what explains the Hypotheses of the Origins of Health and Disease in Development (or DOHaD hypothesis). As postulated, the environment that surrounds a person during early development can cause physiological changes that make them more vulnerable to certain diseases throughout their life. Such modifications can persist even when the “stressor” is no longer present.

The solution to obesity could lie in this mutation

And can this happen in the case of obesity? Well the scientific evidence seems to indicate yes. Exposure to the aforementioned toxins during critical moments of development is capable of promoting epigenetic changes, that is, modifications in DNA that do not affect its sequence. This can change the expression of genes and, consequently, the functions of cells, which would increase the susceptibility to developing obesity and other metabolic diseases.

But there is still more. In studies carried out with animals it has been observed that these modifications can be passed on to subsequent generations. That is, the changes are “inherited” from fathers/mothers to children.

Strategies (individual and collective) to avoid them

Knowing all this, what can we do to avoid exposure to obesogens? Although, as we have mentioned, we live with them in our daily lives, some practices at an individual level can help us overcome them. Here are some tips:

Do not smoke. Reduce the consumption of packaged foods and drinks. Reduce the use of plastics, as well as certain cosmetics and lotions. Limit the consumption of foods with pesticides. Recycle and reuse everything we can.

On the other hand, public health and environmental authorities should develop political strategies to reduce the population’s exposure to these substances, also focusing on social inequalities in health.

With this, further research is needed on the effects of obesogens. This way, decisions that will affect all of us, those of us who are here and those who will come, can be made with knowledge of the facts.

Raquel Soler BlascoPostdoctoral researcher in Environmental Health, University of Valencia y Sabrina WolfPostdoctoral researcher Miguel Servet, Fisabio

This article was originally published in The Conversation. read the original.

#chemicals #fat

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